Sunday, April 30, 2006

Cantalope Milkshakes & Gardening w/Margaret

Word of the day:  pastiche\pas-'tEsh\ noun:  1 : a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work; also : such stylistic imitation.  2 a : a musical, literary, or artistic composition made up of selections from different works.

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the great twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."  Theodore Roosevelt

Today, I helped Margaret make seedlings in her garden of Geraniums.  I also helped her plant some Coleius around the front of the house.  I enjoyed doing this. It has been awhile since I've had the chance to do much gardening.  

I've spent most all the weekend in bed since Friday evening.  I've been sick with the flu or some kind of bug.  I hope I can make it until Friday May 12.  I have an appointment with Dr. Sherwat at Georgetwon University.  I really need to get my dental health addressed as well.  On Monday, I'll make another appointment with Dr. Navabi here in Bethesda.  

WHAT A TREAT!  I hadn't had a cantalope milkshake in eons.  Margaret made one for us both tonight and it made my day!  Margaret is a very very nice woman.  I'm fortunate to have met her.  Thanks for that YUMMILICIOUS treat!

With all the rallies and marches around the U.S. today in protest of the genocide in Darfur, The Sudan my favorite country entertainers were performing on the Mall.  I wish I had felt like getting my ass out of bed this morning and headed down there to see Big Kenny Alphin and John Rich, a.k.a. Big 'n Rich!.  I'm sure they performed many of their "Coming To Your City" tunes and "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy!"

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Gretta Garbo! Fred Astaire! She's Got ....Bette Davis Eyes!

Word of the day:  pulchritude\'p&l-kr&-"tüd\ noun:  physical beauty and appeal.

"There are spaces between our fingers so that another person's fingers can fill them in.

Pulchritude sure is the appropriate word for today.  It certainly describes Bette Davis in that photo.

Never borrow money from a friend.  It will always cause ruin to a freindship.  It did with me and my friend Sandy.  I loved her as a freind and would done anything for her. Still do.  Still would.  I can't stop thinking about how I want to make this right but I'm fiscally unable at the present time.  She don't understand.  

On the other side of that coin, never lend money to a freind expecting to get it back.  Only lend it to a friend if you can afford to never see it again.

 I recall throughout elementary and high school I had a friend who lived near me in Mendota, VA by the name of Betty Davis.  Last time I heard from her was when I was living in Auburn Village in the Del Ray community of Alexandria, VA.  (Just prior to moving to 514 Crownview Drive - Former President Ford's Alexandria, VA home during his Vice Presidency).  She had been accepted to the University of Delaware for either a Master's or Ph.D. program.  This was in the late 80s.  I'd love to hear from her. See her.  Of all my highschool classmates, she and Tim Donahue are the only ones I ever think of.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Whites Mill

Word of the day:  cunctation\kunk-TAY-shun\ noun:  delay.

"Keeping score of old scores and scars, getting even and one-upping, always make you less than you are."  Malcolm Forbes

I grew up with very humble roots.  I was surprised to learn that White's Mill still exists.  It must be on a historic registry or something for it to still be around.  I recall when I was a kid, us going to Whites Mill to buy flour and meal.  I was mesmerized by the water wheel.  I'd watch the wheel turn and turn as the water from a feeder stream would fill up each compartment so quickly as to keep the wheel turning at a continual pace.  Inside I recall the outside wheel turning the gears that in unison turn the grist used to grind the grain and make the flour.  To me a 10 year old kid, I found it simply fascinating!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Word of the day:  caparison\kuh-PAIR-uh-sun\ noun:  1 a : an ornamental covering for a horse b : decorative trappings and harness.  *2 : rich clothing : adornment.

"The truth is that there is nothing noble in being superior to somebody else.  The only real nobility is in being superiour to your former self."  Whitney Young, Civil rights leader. 

Today is my

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Today Is My Birthday...

Word of the day:  acquisitive\uh-KWIZ-uh-tiv\ adjective:  strongly desirous of acquiring and possessing.

"There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do." 

Today is my birthday.  Three things are for certain; I'm a year older and while it seems as though 10 years, I'm definately a year wiser.  My blog being one of the measurement tools being used to make that determination.  Thirdly, I'm 44.

I'm very fortunate to have had thewonderful birthday that I've had today.  It was filled with spirit, joy, and happiness.  Eureka, Ronnie, and T.K. took me to lunch at Athenian Plaka today.  It was so nice to have that wonderful Greek lunch of Horiatiki and a plate of shrimp kabobs while listening to a gorgeous Greek man play the bouzouki.  As with many of us in our professional worlds, Eureka pulled out her blackberry.  Tom referred to it as her "crackberry".  I threw in a little quote from my friend, Bill and told Eureka to straighten her skirt -- her CrackBerry was showing!"  LOL  They all laughed.

For dinner, Margaret, my housemate took me to my favorite Thai restaurant, Busara.  I had my ususal "Goong Sapparos."  Damn, thats a delicious dish.  I'm really going to have to start getting something different when I go there, but its really hard to do since I enjoy it so much.

Thank you Tom, Ronnie, Eureka, and Margaret for making my birthday special and enjoyable.  I'm very grateful for you and all you do for me and our friendships.

I received happy birthday wishes from Jaime, Charlie, Margaret, Tim, Jeff, Risa, and several others.  These are very special to me and mean a million.

Over the past few days, I've been dealing with a bit of sadness and depression.  Depression with being gullible to other's dishonesty, deceit, duplicitiousness, and wrong-doing.

An email from one of the people who took me to Athenian Plaka for Birthday lunch.

From: Eureka
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:39 PM
To: Martin Dixon
Subject: RE: Thank You, Thank You!

 You’re more than welcome. It’s the least we could do for the glue in the department.

From: Maarten
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:36 PM
To: Eureka; Ronnie; Thomas
Subject: Thank You, Thank You!

Eureka, Ronnie, & Tom,

For the last few days I’ve not been up to my brightest spirits.  Your warm kindness today really helped me a lot.  I’m grateful for you all taking me to lunch to celebrate my birthday.  The choice of places couldn’t have been better.  That restaurant has a particularly special place in my life, other than being one of my favorite restaurants.

I appreciate you all and all you have done for me.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Happy Birthday, Jeff

Word of the day:  syncretism\SING-kruh-tiz-um\ noun: *1 : the combination of different forms of belief or practice.  2 : the fusion of two or more originally different inflectional forms.

"Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open."  Elmer C. Leterman, Business Executive

Today is Jeff's birthday.  He'll be 39. I wish I would have been able to spend his, and my birthday's in Bristol this week.  Because of my work schedule, it'll be the first weekend in May before I can get down there. 

Monday, April 24, 2006

On being; Gay, A Male, and Online

Word of the day:  nidus\NYE-dus\ noun:  1 : a nest or breeding place; especially : a place or substance in an animal or plant where bacteria or other organisms lodge and multiply.  2 : a place where something originates, develops, or is located.

"We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails."  Bertha Calloway Founder of the Great Plains Black Museum

Maybe I'm growing old.  Maybe its just that as I'm growing older, I'm less tolerant of the games and bullshit that is played online with these meeting sites.  It seems as though the places are infused to the maximum with losers, deadbeats, crooks, theives, liars, drug dealers, addicts, and various and sundry kinds of those who have less than a quality of life at the heart of their goals.  I'm over frustrated at trying to meet someone and only to find they fit into one of the previously mentioned categories. 

I must say this, first and foremost, I'm NOT one to judge because I've had my days of "wooo whoooo!" and they were fun.  I don't begrudge anyone from doing what they have to do to get through.  However when getting through becomes a way, and norm of life.  I think that is a "problem". A problem for me, especially when I want to meet someone to share my life with. 

I'm just resolving that its NOT meant for me to be with anyone or, vice versa.  I'm glad I enjoy being alone and that I can find a few brilliant people along the way who really add beauty to my life other than in a romance way.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Word of the day:  risorgimento\ree-zor-juh-MEN-toh\ noun

1 often capitalized : the 19th century movement for Italian political unity
*2 : a time of renewal or renaissance : revival.

"It is very hard to take yourself too seriously when you look at the world from outer space."  Thomas E. Mattingly, II  Apollo 16 astronaut


Friday, April 21, 2006

Word of the day:  acceptation\sten-TOR-ee-un\ adjective: extremely loud

"Worry is a misuse of the imagination."  Dan Zadra, Business executive


Thursday, April 20, 2006

Wonderfully Wednesday

Word of the day:  ab initio\ab-uh-NISH-ee-oh\ adverb:  from the beginning .

"Anger is the only thing to put off until tomorrow."  Slovakian Proverb 

WOW, thanks thanks Mr. Man for such a wonderful wonderful fun evening.  This was the first time in many many months for me to have the opportunity to do all the fun stuff we did.  Thank you for that opportunity.  You are such a nice man.  I appreciate you.  Maarten

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Reflecting On A Comment From My Former Employer

An email exchange today between me an my former employer.

Very nice to hear from you, Martin.  I appreciate the kind thoughts.  I’m glad you like the new job.   We’re very busy wrestling with the Singapore
project – but we’re making progress.  We’re encouraged.

Warm regards.


-----Original Message-----
Maarten Dixon

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 3:12 PM

To: suzanne
Cc: john
Subject: Suzanne: I Just Thought Of You......more

…and I smiled.   I smiled because a co-worker here at my new office is down in the dumps because of the typical “office talk”.  I was sitting here and it crossed my mind what you said to me one day near the end of my tenure with you, John, and the other fine people at The Arlington Institute.  I recall you saying to me that day in your office, “you never say a bad word about anyone.”  I’m so proud for your making that observation of me.  I’m so proud of the fact I don’t engage in that kind of stuff.  I try to be a bigger man than that.

I’m loving my job.  I still wrestle with the issue of being in Bristol with Jeff, but that will come when its supposed to (the right job match with the right salary).  The welkin powers will align the moon, stars, and planets with celerity at the right time.

How have you been?  John?  What all is new and exciting at The Arlington Institute?  I miss you all a lot.    I hope you had a great Easter, Passover, etc. 

My kindest and dearest regards,

Wrong O Street!

Word of the day:  acceptation\ak-sep-TAY-shun\ noun:  1 : acceptance; especially : favorable reception or approval.  2 : a generally accepted meaning of a word or understanding of a concept.

"Some think its holding on that makes one strong; I agree to the extent where wisdom gained from experience has made one strong enough to let go."  Maarten Dixon 

Last night I was mentioning to DD Rick about the first time I came to Washington, DC in search of those clubs.  I had the address as O St., but me and my friend Bob Barrels were looking for the clubs on O St. NW, not SE.  O St., NW is a very upscale condensed urban financial/residential district and part of Dupont Circle.  Not a place that would be home to these clubs....BUT, there is a quite the caveat here....The Men's Party used to be held every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday nights and Sunday afternoon in a 4-story row mansion on 22nd Street, NW at O St, NW.  It was a little secret everyone had, but no one knew about until one day a tired, dizzy, nelly, tweaking queen seemed to come unscrewed and the cops showed up.  The party moved from there to this restaurant Planet Fred, (after business hours),

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Pretty Pollen

Word of the day:  theriac\THEER-ee-ak\ noun:  1 : a mixture of many drugs and honey formerly held to be an antidote to poison.  *2 : cure-all.

"Truce is better than friction."  Charles Herguth 

This sure is a beautiful Tuesday morning.  My drive in to work this morning was so bright and sunny.  The sun reflecting through the pollen splatters made for a pretty design on my windows witht the sun beaming through.  I can only imagine the alergy sufferers and what they're dealing with this morning given all this pollen. 

Monday, April 17, 2006

Aujourd'hui est le rouleau de l'oeufs de Pâques à la Maison Blanche!

Word of the day:  coax\KOAKS\ verb:  1 : to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering : wheedle.  2 : to draw, gain, or persuade by means of gentle urging or flattery.  *3 : to manipulate with great perseverance and usually with considerable effort toward a desired state or activity.

"Education is when you read the fine print.  Experience is what you get when you don't."  Pete Seeger, Singer and composer 

What could be a better time to have an Easter egg roll on the south lawn of the White House on a dreery, melancholy, rainy Monday morning.  Perhaps its a symbol of hard times at 1600.  Rummy is boo'ed.  George's ratings are in the trenches of Iraq.  Dick can't play with his balls and when he shoots he hits his best friend in the face nearly killing him.  Maybe, there is a gloomy cloud lingering over the mansion on Pennsylvania Avenue, NW this morning.  Bolton takes his post today and he's supposed to be entering the front door with a pink slip or two.  So perhaps, kids wearing yellow rainslickers rolling easter eggs in mud might make for a bit of convenient distraction. 

The White House Easter Egg Roll, a tradition which dates back to 1878 to the administration of President Rutherford B. Hayes.  It is held on the South Lawn of the White House.  It is the largest public event held at the White House, with activities planned primarily for children ages 7 and under. 

Free tickets are available at the Ellipse Visitor Pavilion on Saturday, April 15, beginning at 7:30 a.m. Some tickets will also be available on the day of the event, beginning at 7:30 a.m.  For the most up-to-date information on this event, call 202-208-1631.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Bonne Pâques! Happy Easter! HOPPY EASTER!

Word of the day:  meliorism\MEE-lee-uh-riz-um\ noun: the belief that the world tends to improve and that humans can aid its betterment.

"To me, old age is 100 years older than I am."  Maarten Dixon 

The Easter morning sun woke me and Rhabi by shining in our eyes and shadows reflecting across our faces.  The smell of the spring flowers drifted through our open window all through the night.  They smelled of mother's perfume. 

Saturday, April 15, 2006

All My Easter Eggs Are Blue!

My Easter is seemingly stacking up to be blue.  All the eggs in my basket should be colored blue. 

Yesterday, I drove all the way from Washington, DC with it taking my last few dollars this week to buy gas and to do some things for Jeff for Easter, including taking him to an Easter dinner. 

The Easter dinner needed to be done today, since because of the heavy Easter Sunday/holiday traffic on I-81 tomorrow, I would need to leave very early Sunday morning in order to get home to DC at a reasonable hour.  Jeff refused to go to dinner at Outback, Shoney's, or even Captain D's.  Instead, all he wanted was $10.  MONEY!  Again, I'm nothing more to him than a living, walking, breathing, talking, ATM.  SAD!  SAD!  SAD!  I'm very depressed and blue.

I suppose the good thing about being blue, is that blue is a color conducive to the concepts of Feng Shui; something I believe in.

Today, as Rhabi and I were driving back from PetsMart to get him some treats, I read a billboard sign along the Volunteer Parkway with the message "be someone, attend ___ College".  What I find disturbing about that message was that the spirit of that message is what I find wrong with people generally speaking (myself included to a small extent) today.  Why does a person need to be "someone", why can't they be themselves?

A Walrus!

Word of the day:  belfry\BEL-free\ noun:  *1 : a bell tower; especially : one surmounting or attached to another structure.  2 : a room or framework for enclosing a bell.  3 : head.

"People will accept your ideas much more readily, if you tell them, Benjamin Franklin said it first."  David Comin 

I noticed in the post this morning how walruses are having a hard time in their habitat due to global warming. Walruses are a pretty cool animal, eh?  There's just something to love about them.  Their whiskers, the looks they have in their eyes, their world.  In some ways they remind me of Manatees (Sea Cows).  Now that would be an interesting thing.  Hypnotizing a Sea Cow.  A few days back I had an entry into my blog about hypnotizing a cow, but imagine...a hypnotized Sea Cow.... HMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

Friday, April 14, 2006

My Paycheck Keeps Shrinking

Word of the day:  lugubrious\loo-GOO-bree-us\ adjective:  *1 : mournful; especially : exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful.  2 : dismal.

"Be careful what you wish for.  Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon."  Susan Ertz, Writer 

I have to STOP walking into my boss' office.  Every time I walk in there, I see the BP station across the street.  Each time I go in her office it seems as though the price of gasoline has risen and therefore my paycheck has shrunk again!   $3.19/gallon  :-(    FUCK!  BY THE END OF THE DAY TODAY, the price rose to $3.29.9/gallon.  F  U   C   K!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

What's Gone On With Madonna?

What's with this "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane" look?

Word of the day:  seder\SAY-der\ noun: a Jewish home or community service including a ceremonial dinner held on the first or first and second evenings of the Passover in commemoration of the exodus from Egypt.

"One is only poor if you choose to be."  Dolly Parton, Singer/Songwriter/Actress/Businesswoman 

To me, this statement is very very true. I will venture further to say that the ones of us who measure wealth in monetary terms will never be rich, for me being rich rests in whom we are as people; our beauty, our compassion, our understanding, and willingness to love unconditionally.  Our souls.  Our spirit..

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

June Pointer Dies - Member of the Pointer Sisters

Just this past weekend, I was thinking of the Pointer Sisters.  The Washington Post reports she died yesterday April 11, 2006, at age 52 of cancer.  I remember listening to the Pointer Sisters.  My most vivid memory of my enjoyment of their music is listening to them on a portable CD player when I was living on the farm while we were harvesting (putting up) hay for the livestock for winter.  I recall driving our 1969 Chevrolet pickup truck to haul the bales of hay to the barn.  We were working near Ernest's house.  I enjoyed their music.  I remember Bonnie's song, "Heaven Must Have Sent You."

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Thanks to all of you...

Word of the day:  yen\YEN\ noun: a strong desire or propensity : longing; also: urge, craving.

"I've never seen a monument erected to a pessimist."  Paul Harvey, Radio Commentator

I've received some amazing feedback from my posting last Sunday about how I felt when I witnessed what I did in SE.  Thank you all for all your support and understanding.