Wednesday, October 26, 2005

What A Beautiful Sight

Word of the day:  sleuth  \SLOOTH\ verb *intransitive verb : to act as a detective : search for information.  transitive verb : to search for and discover .

Music I'm Listening To Media Cover: 


Rod Stewart sure looked young on this cover!  Kelly Clarkson, to me is the ONLY winner of American Idol.  Well maybe Clay too.

Mood:   I'm happy.

On my way to work this morning.  Passing me walking up the Rosslyn escalater from the subway, I witnessed one of the most remarkable examples of teamwork I've ever seen.  This was teamwork involving two beings both of completely different worlds.  One of them being a service dog.  The other being a lady without arms.  In observing her, I was so impressed with how she AND her dog was able to maneuver the subway system and the dexterity she had by using her feet as her hands in placing her farecard in the exit gate.  The whole event was simply BEAUTIFUL.

It rained last night and I decided NOT to go to the Drag Race on 17th St.  I don't know if they held it or if it'll be later this week.  I rarely watch TV nowadays since Mary Schiavo, and The unembalmed Pope lay in the piazza with buzzards circling above.

Today, I'm grateful for: 1. MY JOB!  2.  For having all my abilities.  I know as I age, they diminish but I'm grateful for what I have.

READERS:  Thanks for reading my weblog.  I warmly welcome your responses to my entries and feedback about its content, design, and makeup.  As is with my life, I want my blog to be continually evolving and be progressionally reinvented throughout time; remaining true to the basic ideologicaland conceptual design genesis of my blog.  If you'd like to make a suggestion or point out a malapropism, click on the "add your own" link below the entry.  I'm always happy to hear from my readers, friends, and acquaintences.  My best regards, Maarten

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