Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Jist Git Nekkid

Word of the day: Argus\AHR-gus\ noun 1 : a hundred-eyed monster of Greek mythology.  *2 : a watchful guardian .

Music I'm Listening To Media Cover:

Mood:   I'm happy.

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The Naked Cowboy and The Wandering Hillbilly.

This morning I was reading The Washington Post; an article on the future of "Made in America".  There was a blog link to it from The Wandering Hillbilly.  Ok, this piques my curiosity and I click the link.  Turns out to be a pretty cool, but hard to read (intentionally so) blog.  There's a link to it here on one side or the other of my blog in a "favorite links" area.  Whats a wandering hillbilly without a nekkid cowboy?  Well, not much I suppose, therefore I've married the hillbilly off to a sexy Times Square cowboy, urban, that is.  Tennessee Tea, White Dream, all clean.

NEW! Rebuilding a City (A Blog):  

Today, I'm grateful for:  My Job!

READERS:  Thanks for reading my weblog.  I warmly welcome your responses to my entries and feedback about its content, design, and makeup.  As is with my life, I want my blog to be continually evolving and be progressionally reinvented throughout time; remaining true to the basic ideological and conceptual design genesis of my blog.  If you'd like to make a suggestion or point out a malapropism, click on the "add your own" link below the entry.  I'm always happy to hear from my readers, friends, and acquaintences.  My best regards, Maarten

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