Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I'm Grateful For What I Have

Delphinaterapia:  The science of using dolphins stimulate the brains of unborn humans to make them smarter.

This morning's event provoked deeper personal thought on being grateful.  Even in the times earlier this year when things were pretty bare bones, money extraordinarily tight, no job, poor health, and friends being very very few; by my own design resulting from my experience when Toonie was in his final stages of life last Christmas; I remained grateful for what I had. No matter how little it was, I never forgot it was more than some others have.  My words to anyone in a "hard-times" situation, be aware of your situation; acknowledge it, address its cause-effect-meaning, and take steps to improve it. Embrace it with warm open arms because you're not there for no reason.  It is part of the "big plan" for your life.  The plan most of us are unaware of or unwilling to see based on our conventional ways.

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