Friday, October 14, 2005

Musical Tastes

Word of the day: tintinnabulation\tin-tuh-nab-yuh-LAY-shun\ Audio iconnoun 1 : the ringing or sounding of bells.  *2 : a jingling or tinkling sound as if of bells.

Music I'm Listening To Media Cover:

Mood:   Content.

To all of you who have been following my blog and my musical tastes, I suppose you think I'm a huge fan of Country music.  Well, I am but, I equally like all genres of music with the exception of Bluegrass (Ding Ding music) and Rap.  I appreciate Bluegrass, but can only tolerate listening to it to the point where it all begins to sound like a rapidly repetitious tintinnabulation of ding-dings.  Likewise, with Rap, I appreciate and respect its roots; however to me it's "protest" music and because of the ethnic divide I've so diligently tried to bridge, I'm unable to relate and fully understand it messages and meanings.

Today, I'm grateful for: My Job!

READERS:  Thanks for reading my weblog.  I warmly welcome your responses to my entries and feedback about its content, design, and makeup.  As is with my life, I want my blog to be continually evolving and be progressionally reinvented throughout time; remaining true to the basic ideological and conceptual design genesis of my blog.  If you'd like to make a suggestion or point out a malapropism, click on the "add your own" link below the entry.  I'm always happy to hear from my readers, friends, and acquaintences.  My best regards, Maarten

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