Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Bandit COW

Word of the day: lexicographer\lek-suh-KAH-gruh-fer\ noun: an author or editor of a dictionary.

Music I'm Listening To Media Cover:    NO ART AVAILABLE. 

Mood:   Happy.

I was happy this morning to find "lexicographer" as being the "word of the day"  I recall how Joe and I one day discussed in depth, how to "label" my hobby, if you'd call it that; at least my significant interest in learning new words and adding them to my daily-use vocabulary.  Initially, we used the word "lexicographer" to describe me, but I don't write, construct, or create dictionaries.  We both agreed that wasn't a correct term to describe my interest.  I'm more geard toward the word and its entimology and not putting together a collection of words.  We concluded that perhaps I'm more of a "lexicologist" than anything else in terms of words. 

Im so tired.  I fell asleep and didn't sign off the computer.  A guy IM me last night who had read my AOL profile and followed it through to my blog and onward to a 501(c)(3) organization in Abingdon, VA whom I have been keeping eye on to see if they won's Innovation Award.  An award valued up to $1,000,000.00  They were one of the 10 finalists and I was proud of them given they are in my home town.  I was one of their cheerleaders, I guess you could say.  Anyhow, the guy prefaced his IM with the statement "I am not gay".  I'm not judging, but I'm glad he read my profile, followed its links to thearea that intimately (not wholly in a sexual way) accounts for how the days of my life are lived, and responded to it.  I don't care in the most microscopic sense whether or not he's gay.  But with him being from that area, I can understand his position given how the community dictates what is acceptable and non-acceptable behavior conduct as it relates to subscription to lifestyles.  That is why I left Bristol 25 years ago to live in Washington, DC.  I wanted to be the driving force behind my choices and destiny, not those around me.  Especially the ones who have all the "ideal" dynamics figured out for me, and none for themselves.

Today, I'm grateful for: My Job!

READERS:  Thanks for reading my weblog.  I warmly welcome your responses to my entries and feedback about its content, design, and makeup.  As is with my life, I want my blog to be continually evolving and be progressionally reinvented throughout time; remaining true to the basic ideological and conceptual design genesis of my blog.  If you'd like to make a suggestion or point out a malapropism, click on the "add your own" link below the entry.  I'm always happy to hear from my readers, friends, and acquaintences.  My best regards, Maarten

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