Thursday, October 20, 2005

First Week of Open Season On The Poor-Middle Class Americans

The pic at left is why Gulf Coast victims of Katrina didn't get proper help!

Word of the day: bouleversement\bool-vair-suh-MAHNG (the "NG" is not pronounced, but the vowel is nasalized)\ noun *1 : reversal.  2 : a violent disturbance : disorder





Music I'm Listening To Media Cover:


I'm also listening to:

Brenda Lee.  "Nobody Wins".  Damn that little woman sure has a hell of a voice.  She does my favorite Christmas song; "Rockin Around The Christmas Tree".  My second favorite Christmas song is by Alabama "Christmas In Dixie".

Buck Owens, "Made in Japan"  Buck Owens, along with Roy Clark were the stars of "Hee Haw".  Damn, those were the days of "The Porter Wagoner Show", with Dolly Parton, Speck Rhodes (Bass Fiddle), and Mack MaGaha (Fiddle), Buck Trent (Banjo), Don Warden (Steel Guitar).  Porter's band was "The Wagnonmasters".

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Mood:   Pissed!

What the FUCK is going on in this country nowadays?  It seems as though this week, "open season" began on poor and middle-class Americans.  On Monday, the new bankruptcy laws became effective, it was reported recently the White House has urged banks to increase credit minimum payments, and the cost of gasoline and heating fuels has skyrocketed.  Then I just return from my lunch and open up AOL and what is the first thing I see flash before my eyes?  "Gun Manufacturers Get Protection"!  What next?  I suppose all the governmentally perpetrated unfairness, biases, and inequality against the residents of New Orleans in light of hurricane Katrina, wasn't sufficient and therefore the need remained to further SCREW the "little man".  I didn't vote for that President.  Those of you who did, blame yourselves and suck your thumbs.  Maybe the next one will make a genuine good-faith attempt to bouleversement what this one has SCREWED UP!

This is one of those moments when I salute Johnny Cash for all the reasons he wore black. 

Oh, now wouldn't it be a shame on me to forget Tom.  Poor Tom Delay, that is.  He just got booked today.  In taking his mugshot, it appears as though when the photographer said "say cheese", Delay thought he said "say sleeze" and he smiled like a "shit-eating hound".

Today, I'm grateful for:  My Job!

NEW! Rebuilding a City (Check out this blog under my favorites)

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