Monday, October 24, 2005

Amphibologies Can Be The Right Thing!

Word of the day: amphibology\am-fuh-BAH-luh-jee\ noun: a sentence or phrase that can be interpreted in more than one way.

Music I'm Listening To Media Cover:


Hoyt Axton:  "Bony Fingers".  This was one of the "corniest" songs I ever heard.  I even thought this when I heard this song when I was a kid.

The Statler Brother's: "I'll Go To My Grave (Lovin You)".  The Statler Brothers is a quartet from Staunton, VA.  When the group Alabama, came onto the scene, they were the first country quartet to have only one singer.  The others played instruments and were believed to be a flop because every quartet preceding them, including The Statler Brothers, every member of the group was a singer.  Time shows they were NOT a flop!

Donna Fargo:  "Funny Face", "Happiest Girl In The Whole U.S.A."   !

Mood:   I'm sleepy.  The drive from Bristol yesterday and then the meeting with Wolfgang and Rob, pleasantly went much longer than I anticipated.  I didn't fall asleep until late and I was up at 6:00am this morning.  Its supposed to rain today and I dread walking from the subway in the rain.

Amphibology: Piquing my interest, is the thought that the English slang word "fib", as in telling a "fib", is derived frm Amphibology?  I'll do some research on it and report back later.

Wolfgang and Rob:  Their house is very nice and is located in one of my favorite neighborhoods; Crestwood, upper 16th St., The Gold Coast.  I've never lived in the 4th alphabet of the city before nor on a 'flower" street.  I suppose that's a must for me to experience the entire flavor of living in what I deem as the "most beautiful city in the world".  I also met Tugs, the tabby cat and Tyko their Dalmation.  Both of them are seemingly nice men and I must admit the colors they have used throughout the house are definately "right down my alley"; expressive, vibrant, creative, and bold.  Definately "Living Out Loud", just like me; living out loud, being 10 ft tall in a 6 ft town.  They even have a RED LEATHER SOFA.  I'm going to think this over and contact them tomorrow by mid-afternoon. 

Wolfgang and I had a wonderful "front porch" conversation about life, education, politics, etc on my way to the car.

Speaking of car:  This rental car I have is not the make and model of car mentioned here in this article, but when i read this article, it sure reminded me of the conveniences I've become accustomed to and a reminder of how in my upbringing, I didn't have these luxurious amenities.  As a matter of fact, my upbringing could, by today's standards, be considered "third-world".  Here's a "cut and paste" of the article from "The Washington Post". 


The windows worked fine. But they cranked manually. That bothered some passengers in the 2006 Kia Rio 5 SX.  2006 Kia Rio 5 SX (Kia Motors America)('Simply Useful, and Nothing ,'Warren Brown');

I drove the base model, which came without power windows and locks.
                                  2006 Kia Rio 5 SX 

Also absent were power side-view mirrors, a sunroof, navigation system and a rear video entertainment screen. The seats were cloth. The five-speed transmission was manual. But everything was assembled perfectly. Eventhe tangibly cheap plastic parts on the instrument panel were aligned just right.

My passengers scoffed at the absence of power windows. People are funny. They get used to a certain level of convenience and are upset by anything less.

It was no onerous task to roll the Rio 5 SX's windows up or down. It was just the idea that a vehicle manufacturer would have the temerity to expect someone in America to do it. "This is so third-world!" said one of my riders.

Today, I'm grateful for: MY JOB!.

READERS:  Thanks for reading my weblog.  I warmly welcome your responses to my entries and feedback about its content, design, and makeup.  As is with my life, I want my blog tobe continually evolving and be progressionally reinvented throughout time; remaining true to the basic ideological and conceptual design genesis of my blog.  If you'd like to make a suggestion or point out a malapropism, click on the "add your own" link below the entry.  I'm always happy to hear from my readers, friends, and acquaintences.  My best regards, Maarten

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