Friday, May 5, 2006

Today's Entry...what will it be about?

Word of the day:  pterodactyl\ter-&-'dak-t&l\ noun: 1 : any of various extinct flying reptiles of the order Ptersauria that existed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

"There's nothing like a newborn baby to renew your spirit -- and to buttress your resolve to make the world a better place."  Virginia Kelly, nurse

Today's entry is about an exceptionally pleasant surprise.  I finally, after over a year and a half, met D from Tennessee.  OMG, he's so handsome and sexy.  Beautiful smile and brilliant eyes.  The little arch in his brows.  I beleive he's got a heart of gold but some have taken it from him at times, not in good faith.  He reminds me of me; a little.  I know some of the things he doesn't, and would like to gradually over time show him what those things really are.  Starting with....Affection and appreciation.  the genuine type, NOT the self-serving knock-off that one comes by hand over fist these days. 

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