Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Pussycat Dolls!

Word of the day:  hortative\HOR-tuh-tiv\ adjective:  giving exhortation : advisory.

"One never knows what each day will bring.  The important thing is your ability to be open and ready for it."

That handsome country boy introduced me to The Pussycat Dolls music.  I'm HOOKED!

I recall about 1 month or so ago, I was walking from the parking garage to my office and noticed on the back of a MetroBus and advertisement for The Black-eyed Peas with special guests The Pussycat Dolls.  I knew who the Blackeyed Peas are and like them, but never heard of The Pussycat Dolls.  However, the name stuck in my head and the creative and WOW sounding name of the group.  I've now come to love their music. I spend a of time listening the Sway, Don't Cha, Buttons, and Stickwitu.  This group is too cool for school and Pussycat Dolls is definately a euonym for these girls.


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