Saturday, May 20, 2006

Gnomes, Gnomes, Gnomes! Green Tree is Now Lollipop Land!

Word of the day:  prestidigitation\PRES-tee-digi-tashun\ adjective: Slight of hand.

What is love?  "For the most part, fear is nothing but an illusion.  When you share it with someone else, it tends to disappear."  Marilyn C. Barrick, Psychologist

I did get to see "The Country Boy" today.  OH WHAT A MAGNIFICENT surprise he brought to me.  I was touched by his thoughtfulness.  He brought me two yard gnomes.  I was telling him about Chris' escapade in his high school Senior class prank of kidnapping "Playland's" gnome decorations.  Chris has laughed and laughed over that.  I'm very happy to have these gnomes.  They are special.

He spent the night and it sure was nice.  He brought the movie "Crash" and we watched that.  That was a very very very good movie and I was impressed with how it protrayed the biases we ALL have and how we are destined to come face to face with those sometime in our lives.  I also recognized the roles of "welkin powers" and what a significant part they play in us facing our shortcomings.  Attention and affection! What a beautiful thing to give and receive.

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