Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Craving Pancakes!

Word of the day:  argillaceous\AR-je-la-shus\ adjective:  containing, made of, or resembling clay.

"There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental differnce in someone's life."  Sister Mary Rose McGeady, Children's advocate 

Between the parking garage this morning and my office, I stopped at Georgetown Grill Diner and had my fix of pancakes with a strip of extra crunchy bacon.  For a couple weeks now I've been craving that.  It was good.

While I was there, I noticed a guy that reminds me of that handsome country boy I know in TN.  This guy in the restaurant must have been visiting from out of town for a job interview.  He was sitting with a businessman and I overheard  them speak of being from Atlanta.  I look forward to the weekend.  Seeing Mr. TN, Grilling, Watermelon, and all the other things, including painting my bedrooms.

UPDATE ON THE DINER GUY:  He's a Reznick employee! 


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