Friday, May 19, 2006

My Welkin Connections Just Reconfirmed, AGAIN!

Word of the day:  autochthonous\O-tak-tae-nus\ adjective: originating where found; indigenous.

What is love?  "Imagine how much easier it would be for us to learn how to love if we began with a shared definition."  Bell Hooks, Writer

During my sleep last night an old acquaintence came to me in just a brief spiritual passing.  A whisp of a breeze across your face passing through a window cracked open just about 1 inch.  His passing in the night lasted only long enough for me to know who it was.  It was George.  This morning, I get an email from Marty apprising me that George had crossed over last night from a massive heart attack. He was 42.  He was always very good to me.  I liked him.  I know Marty loved him.

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