Saturday, May 13, 2006

A Really Weird Dream About A Panda!

During the week while I've been sick and sad for the way Jeff has been treating me, I had one of the oddest dreams I've ever had. 

I was assigned to accompany one of the Panda's from The National Zoo back to China on a 747 out of Dulles Airport in Dulles, VA.  I was watching them prepare the panda for its long air journey.  They put this panda in a container shaped and colored like a panda-piggy bank, but it was only the exact size of the panda.  Made of metal and had tubes in its front so the panda could be hooked up to oxygen during its trip.  First, this was weird.  Then when we board the plane, it was the first 747 I'd ever been on where there were solid walls between the groups of seats running the lenght of the plane.  That was the second weird thing.  Then we land in Riga, Latvia and have an opportunity to get out and get some fresh air.  The 747 I just got off of was all of a sudden a 1973 brown Buick Electra Coupe!  Where's the panda.  We then make it on to Beijing and unload the panda near a prison labor camp.  I found the only reason I was invited accompany this panda entourage was because of my fluency in Uyghur.  There were tons of Uyhgurs toiling away as torturous punishment.  On the way back from China we stopped in Florence (Firenze), Italy.  All these passengers were saying "Oh finally there it is "Europa!"  I was wondering what the fuck is Europa.  It turned out to be the trainstation where we caught the wrong train and ended up in Siberia.  YES, Siberia.  ........

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