Tuesday, May 2, 2006

That's What They're Called...

Word of the day:  vendetta\ven-DET-uh\ noun:  1 : a feud between different clans or families : blood feud.  *2 : an often prolonged series of retaliatory, vengeful, or hostile acts or exchange of such acts.

"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone."  Harriet Beecher Stowe, Writer

I learned after reading in the Post this morning what species of mosquito they really are; Asian Tiger Mosquitoes.  I know these damn things are THE WORST.   Every last one of these things come from near and far to suck my blood.  Oh boy!  Does it hurt and itch.  One year I got some kind of poisioning from them.  It was not fun. 

One of the things I dislike most of all is the occasional, out of pure necessity, being late with my debts.  Because my car is having problems, I'm having to be tardy to Margaret this month.  Hopefully, mycar expense will not be heavy so I wont be late late.  Last night, I woke up 4 times worrying about being late with Margaret.  I don't want to be late.

On Making Decisions:
William McKinley, 25th President of United States once had to choose between two equally qualified men for a key job in his cabinet.  He puzzled over the choice until he remembered a long-ago incident.

On a rainy night, McKinley had boarded a crowded streetcar.  One of the men he was now considering had also been aboard, though he didn't see McKinley.  Then an old woman carrying a basket of laundry struggled into the car, looking in vain for a seat.  The job candidate pretended not to see her and kept his seat.  McKinley gave up his seat to help her. 

Remembering the episode, which he called "this little ommission of kindness," McKinley decided against the man on the streetcar.  Our decisions -- even the small, fleeting ones -- tell a lot about us.

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