Monday, May 22, 2006

Headache, Dentist, and Funeral Today

Word of the day:  lyceum\Li-se-um\ noun:  1.  A hall for public lectures or discussions.  2.  An association providing public lectures, concerts, and entertainment.

"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."  Ralph Waldo Emerson, Philosopher and writer

This sure is going to be a lovely day.  I'm glad its a beautiful late May morning with rays of sunshine just pouring into my office.  When I speak of the day going to be lovely, I'm being sarcastic.  I didn't sleep much last night as I was missing Rhabi and this headache continues from where I accidentally hit my head with blunt force on the edge of the window sill while I was sick.  Today, I have to see if Dr. Navabi can extract this broken tooth so that it doesn't get reinfected and cause me more health issues.  Then, this evening after work, I have to attend George's funeral.  This is going to be the first time ever for me to attend a friend's funeral who is my age.  This will have a significant meaning to me and I'll probably write about it in my blog either tomorrow or sometime during the next few days after cerebrating on it a bit.

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