Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Word of the day:  pellucid\puh-LOO-sid\ adjective:  *1 : admitting maximum passage of light without diffusion or distortion.  2 : reflecting light evenly from all surfaces.  3 : easy to understand.

"True friends are those who really know you but love you anyway."  Edna Buchanan, Writer

My heatpump

Fricking Heat Pump!

Word of the day:  punctilious\punc·til·i·ous\ adjective:  marked by or concerned about precise accordance with the details of codes or conventions.

"A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strenghts; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities."  William Arthur Ward, Educator 

My heatpump is on the fritz.  I have to have the repairman come to fix it.  He can't get here until Thursday.  In the meantime, I suppose I'll just cook.  I turned it on over the weekend.  It started getting cool but then stopped and started getting very warm in the house.  I later learned that the cooling unit had frozen over and the ice was melting all over the laundry room.  I turned it off and it completely melted and filled the 4 bath towels I put down to catch it.  I sure hope this is NOT an expensive repair.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

Word of the day:  oriflamme\OR-uh-flam\ noun: a banner, symbol, or ideal inspiring devotion or courage.

"Nobody will believe in you, unless you believe in yourself."  Liberace, Pianist 

Matthew, you RED HOT CHILI PEPPER, you poisioned my mind.  I went to WalMart and purchased the fishing worms. VERY FUCKING EVIL GRIN!


Sunday, May 28, 2006

Word of the day:  ontology\än-'tä-l&-jE\Function: noun:  1 : a branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being.  2 : a particular theory about the nature of being or the kinds of existents.

"There are two ways of exerting one's strength:  one is pushing down, the other is pulling up."  Booker T. Washington, Educator 


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Word of the day:  expiate\EK-spee-ayt\ verb transitive:  1 : to extinguish the guilt incurred by.  *2 : to make amends for.  intransitive : to make expiation.

"The opportunity for brotherhood presents itsdle every time you meet a human being."  Jane Wyman, Actress

My Memorial Day Holiday weekend was very nice.  I rested quite a bit as it was much needed.  Jeff came over and joined me and my new pal for burgers on the grill.  Low key, but nice and much needed. 

Friday, May 26, 2006

Word of the day:  expiate\EK-spee-ayt\ verb transitive:  1 : to extinguish the guilt incurred by.  *2 : to make amends for.  intransitive : to make expiation.

"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.  If you want to be happy, practice compassion."  H.H. The Dalai Lama 

I had the day off from work today.  It is a company holiday along with next Monday (all part of my company's 4 day Memorial Day weekend).  That drive from DC to Bristol last night was HELL.  The rain was torrential and I didn't get home until around 4am.  I was BEAT!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Aloysius "Snuffy" Snuffleupagus


Seasons: 3 - present

Years: 1971 - present

Performers: Jerry Nelson performed Snuffy until 1980, then Martin Robinson took over. Bryant Young does the rear of Snuffy.

Full Name: Aloysius Snuffleupagus

Movie Appearances: Follow That Bird

TV Specials: Please Don't Eat the Pictures, Sesame Street Stays Up Late

Most Famous Song: Doin’ The Snuffleupagus

Born: August 19

Lives: In the Snuffleupagus Family Cave

Family Facts: Sister (Alice Snuffleupagus), grandmother

Description: Aloysius ‘Snuffy’ Snuffleupagus can best be described as a brown shaggy elephant, but without tusks and the big floppy ears. He is 7 feet high and 15 feet long. He probably got his name because of his snuffle, wich is very long, and wich makes his voice very nasal. When Big Bird introduced a new friend, Snuffy, in Sesame Street, Snuffy was invisible and nobody believed him. Now everybody can see him, his best friend is still Big Bird (who Snuffy always calls ‘Bird’). Snuffy likes to play games with Big Bird, such as roller-skating. When he is alone, he like to play on his Snuffleflute. ‘Mr. S.’ is very shy, and has a very slow nature. His favourite meals are spaghetti and cabbage. His favourite quote is `Oh, Dear`.

  • He made two debuts. His first was october 13, 1971. He was invisible then. Because people thought the whole thing had a bad influence on children, they decided to make him visible. So he debuted for the second time november 18, 1985, when he was finally seen.
  • If you'd like to learn more about your favorite Sesame Street Character visit this cool website  http://www.sesame-encyclopedia.com/ 

    My dog Holly's nickname was a Greek hybrid of Aloysius Snuffleupagaus.  The nickname was H.R.M. Queen Halena Slopoflopolopolous.  Aloysius was my favorite childhood Sesame Street character!  I liked how he moved about.  His nasal voice.  His snout and those big eyelashes!  I suppose his mysterious side was like me.

    I wonder what it would be like to have the Snuffleupagus join The Pussycat Dolls in the song "Don't Cha"!

    Blink! Blink! Blink!

    Word of the day:  georgic\JOR-jik\ adjective: of or relating to agriculture.

    "Nobody will believe in you, unless you believe in yourself."  Liberace, Pianist 

    Memorial Day weekend, where has this year gone?  Summer is here, Spring has past.  Before you can blink your eyes, it'll be Fall.  Damn!  Time flies when you're having fun.  I hope to have fun this weekend.  I look forward to it.  I look forward to painting my bedrooms (hopefully I can get all of them painted - sholdn't take me long at all), grilling out, spending time with "that country boy", seeing Jeff and Rhabi, just enjoying my home.  I'm bringing a lot of crap back to my house in Bristol as it only takes up room and clutters my place in DC.

    I was thinking of Dexter this morning.  I was in the office at 6:00am.  I wonder what he is doing for the weekend?  He's probably going to be in SoFL.  He crosses my mind a lot; especially since I haven't heard much from him in the last couple to three months -- since his mom passed away.  If he's having difficulty grieving, I wish he'd contact me.  I just hope he's OK.

    On my drive in this morning, Chris Criscuolo crossed my mind too. He holds a very warm and fond place in my heart and mind.  I miss him.  I wish we were able to spend time together doing things we enjoy.  Pennsylvania is so close but yet so far when all the other elements are in the way.  I'm so grateful for his friendship.  He sends me some of the most special cards by "snail mail".  That makes me feel as though I'm a very special friend.  We all need people around us who make us feel special.  "That country boy" does that to me, I hope I do that for him.  I want to kiss him.....RIGHT NOW! 

    Ari sure never ceases to amaze me.  I learned today that he's a classical pianist.  He went with me to the Safeway to get "stash" for our workgroup.  When I asked him about some of his hobbies, he mentioned Piano.  I was just as impressed about learning that about him as I was the meaning of his name.  My grandfather's name was Ari too (with an "e").  Ari = Lion, Arie = Lion of God!

    I just realized I need to be adding more photos.  I've been slacking on that here lately.

    Wednesday, May 24, 2006

    Craving Pancakes!

    Word of the day:  argillaceous\AR-je-la-shus\ adjective:  containing, made of, or resembling clay.

    "There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental differnce in someone's life."  Sister Mary Rose McGeady, Children's advocate 

    Between the parking garage this morning and my office, I stopped at Georgetown Grill Diner and had my fix of pancakes with a strip of extra crunchy bacon.  For a couple weeks now I've been craving that.  It was good.

    While I was there, I noticed a guy that reminds me of that handsome country boy I know in TN.  This guy in the restaurant must have been visiting from out of town for a job interview.  He was sitting with a businessman and I overheard  them speak of being from Atlanta.  I look forward to the weekend.  Seeing Mr. TN, Grilling, Watermelon, and all the other things, including painting my bedrooms.

    UPDATE ON THE DINER GUY:  He's a Reznick employee! 


    Tuesday, May 23, 2006

    The Pussycat Dolls!

    Word of the day:  hortative\HOR-tuh-tiv\ adjective:  giving exhortation : advisory.

    "One never knows what each day will bring.  The important thing is your ability to be open and ready for it."

    That handsome country boy introduced me to The Pussycat Dolls music.  I'm HOOKED!

    I recall about 1 month or so ago, I was walking from the parking garage to my office and noticed on the back of a MetroBus and advertisement for The Black-eyed Peas with special guests The Pussycat Dolls.  I knew who the Blackeyed Peas are and like them, but never heard of The Pussycat Dolls.  However, the name stuck in my head and the creative and WOW sounding name of the group.  I've now come to love their music. I spend a of time listening the Sway, Don't Cha, Buttons, and Stickwitu.  This group is too cool for school and Pussycat Dolls is definately a euonym for these girls.


    Monday, May 22, 2006

    Headache, Dentist, and Funeral Today

    Word of the day:  lyceum\Li-se-um\ noun:  1.  A hall for public lectures or discussions.  2.  An association providing public lectures, concerts, and entertainment.

    "Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."  Ralph Waldo Emerson, Philosopher and writer

    This sure is going to be a lovely day.  I'm glad its a beautiful late May morning with rays of sunshine just pouring into my office.  When I speak of the day going to be lovely, I'm being sarcastic.  I didn't sleep much last night as I was missing Rhabi and this headache continues from where I accidentally hit my head with blunt force on the edge of the window sill while I was sick.  Today, I have to see if Dr. Navabi can extract this broken tooth so that it doesn't get reinfected and cause me more health issues.  Then, this evening after work, I have to attend George's funeral.  This is going to be the first time ever for me to attend a friend's funeral who is my age.  This will have a significant meaning to me and I'll probably write about it in my blog either tomorrow or sometime during the next few days after cerebrating on it a bit.

    Saturday, May 20, 2006

    On Monday I'll Attend the FIRST EVER Funeral of A Friend, My Age!

    The Obituary Notice in The Washington Post.


    On May 19, 2006, GEORGE WESLEY GLODEN, JR. a native Washingtonian. Devoted companion of Marty Crowetz and Larry Darrah; beloved son of George and Delores Gloden; brother of James Gloden. Also survived by a host of other loving relatives and friends. Relatives and friends are invited to call at JOSEPH GAWLER SONS, INC., 5130 Wisconsin Ave N.W. (corner of Harrison St.), Washington, DC, on Monday, May 22, 2006, from 6 until 9 p.m. Interment private. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Whitman Walker Clinic, 1407 S St. N.W., Washington, DC 20009. Arrangements by Joseph Gawler Sons.
    Published in The Washington Post on 5/21/2006.

    Gnomes, Gnomes, Gnomes! Green Tree is Now Lollipop Land!

    Word of the day:  prestidigitation\PRES-tee-digi-tashun\ adjective: Slight of hand.

    What is love?  "For the most part, fear is nothing but an illusion.  When you share it with someone else, it tends to disappear."  Marilyn C. Barrick, Psychologist

    I did get to see "The Country Boy" today.  OH WHAT A MAGNIFICENT surprise he brought to me.  I was touched by his thoughtfulness.  He brought me two yard gnomes.  I was telling him about Chris' escapade in his high school Senior class prank of kidnapping "Playland's" gnome decorations.  Chris has laughed and laughed over that.  I'm very happy to have these gnomes.  They are special.

    He spent the night and it sure was nice.  He brought the movie "Crash" and we watched that.  That was a very very very good movie and I was impressed with how it protrayed the biases we ALL have and how we are destined to come face to face with those sometime in our lives.  I also recognized the roles of "welkin powers" and what a significant part they play in us facing our shortcomings.  Attention and affection! What a beautiful thing to give and receive.

    Friday, May 19, 2006

    Smithsonian Celebrates Kermit & Miss Piggy's 50th

    The Washington Post announced today that the American History Museum of the Smithsonian is showcasing Kermit and his pals.  VERY COOL!

    My Welkin Connections Just Reconfirmed, AGAIN!

    Word of the day:  autochthonous\O-tak-tae-nus\ adjective: originating where found; indigenous.

    What is love?  "Imagine how much easier it would be for us to learn how to love if we began with a shared definition."  Bell Hooks, Writer

    During my sleep last night an old acquaintence came to me in just a brief spiritual passing.  A whisp of a breeze across your face passing through a window cracked open just about 1 inch.  His passing in the night lasted only long enough for me to know who it was.  It was George.  This morning, I get an email from Marty apprising me that George had crossed over last night from a massive heart attack. He was 42.  He was always very good to me.  I liked him.  I know Marty loved him.

    Thursday, May 18, 2006

    A Message From Sarajevo!

    Zlata Filipovic, an 11 year-old Sarajevian wrote in her diary in 1991, during the war in the former Yugoslavia that "we picked cherries off the tree in the yard and ate them all up.  We had wathced it blossom and its small green fruits turn to red, and now we were here eating them. Oh, you're a wonderful cherry tree!"

    Zlata's words read like any young girl's whimsical musings.  But this innocent summer activity held a much deeper meaning:  Zlata wrote the diary entry in the midst of war in her hometown of Sarajevo.  "I miss fruit alot," In these days of war in Sarajevo, there is no basic food or any of the other things a person needs, and there isno fruit.  But now i can say that I ate myself silly on cherries."

    That simple pleasure brought tremendous joy to a girl who witnessed brutality daily.  Simple pleasures can do that if we take the time to appreciate what the moment offers.

    Word of the day:  shalloon\SHe-loon\ nounThe lightweight worsted twill or wool fabric/material used chiefly to line a coat or jacket.

    "Never deprive anyone of hope, for it may be all they have."


    Wednesday, May 17, 2006

    I've NEVER.....

    ....had colleagues so happy and spirited to have a colleague back with them.  People come up to me and wrapped their wide open welcoming arms around me in delight that I was back with the group.  My boss, I hadn't see her for nearly 4 weeks.  She'd been out two weeks prior to my being out nearly 2 weeks.  She looks good and in full force.  What a remarkable woman.

    I'm Happy To Return To Work Today...

    Word of the day:  cerebrate\SAIR-uh-brayt\ verb: to use the mind : think.   "Like Aretha Franklin says "You Better THINK!"

    "If I have learned anything, it is that life forms no logical patterns.  It is haphazard and full of beauties which I try to catch as they fly by, for who knows whether any of them will ever return?"  Margot Fonteyn, Dancer

    Wow!  I'm glad to be able to be getting back to work today.  However, as I mentioned yesterday to Jaime, I'm a bit nervous, I believe unnecessarily so, that I might be termed for being out sick.  I've seen it happen to the best, and had it happen to me once.  So therein lies my anxiety and skiddishness.  Factually, I've never been counseled for absenteeism, tardiness, or poor quality of work in this job but who knows what goes on in people's heads.  I have a wonderful boss and I think she is a reasonable woman.

    Tuesday, May 16, 2006

    It Sure Was A Great Day, Today

    Word of the day:  sedulous\SEJ-uh-luss\ adjective:  1 : involving or accomplished with careful perseverance.  *2 : diligent in application or pursuit.

    "A friend told me that each morning when we get up whe ave to decide whether we are going to save or savor the world.  I don't think that is the decision.  It's not an either/or, save or savor.  We have to do both, save and savor the world."  Kate Clinton, Comedienne

    Its been quite a while since I've had lunch with my friend, Jaime.  We both enjoy City Lights of China and this morning I recommended we meet there for lunch.  It was very convenient for us both.  I had to be down in that area to go to Whitman Walker to get my new prescription filled.  (I recall when I had no insurance and they treated me and provided me with medicine -- FREE.  Ever since then, I've made a sedulous effort to give them my pharmacy business so they can receive full payment for the meds from the insurance company.  Just my way of giving them back every little bit I can.)

    I had a chance to speak with "The Country Boy" today and that made me feel good too.  He mentioned wanting to go to Florida's Gulf Coast for Memorial Day.  I've never been there.  Sounds fun, though.  I wish I'd known him a while longer, I'd give him a surprise of his life!  Maybe Damrak, Bondi, Arbat, Fez, Costa del Sol!  Who knows!   We'll see!  Le temps dira!

    Monday, May 15, 2006

    The Rabbi & The Duck Doctor

    Yankee Doodle Dandy...quack! quack!  I totally love ducks.  It must be that "inpenetratable resilience".

    Just Released From Georgetown University's Hospital

    Word of the day:  leitmotif\LYTE-moh-teef\ noun:  1 : a melodic phrase or figure that accompanies the reappearance of an idea, person, or situation especially in a Wagnerian music drama.  *2 : a dominant recurring theme.

    "Follow the grain in your own wood."  Howard Thurman, Clergyman

    I've been in

    Saturday, May 13, 2006

    A Really Weird Dream About A Panda!

    During the week while I've been sick and sad for the way Jeff has been treating me, I had one of the oddest dreams I've ever had. 

    I was assigned to accompany one of the Panda's from The National Zoo back to China on a 747 out of Dulles Airport in Dulles, VA.  I was watching them prepare the panda for its long air journey.  They put this panda in a container shaped and colored like a panda-piggy bank, but it was only the exact size of the panda.  Made of metal and had tubes in its front so the panda could be hooked up to oxygen during its trip.  First, this was weird.  Then when we board the plane, it was the first 747 I'd ever been on where there were solid walls between the groups of seats running the lenght of the plane.  That was the second weird thing.  Then we land in Riga, Latvia and have an opportunity to get out and get some fresh air.  The 747 I just got off of was all of a sudden a 1973 brown Buick Electra Coupe!  Where's the panda.  We then make it on to Beijing and unload the panda near a prison labor camp.  I found the only reason I was invited accompany this panda entourage was because of my fluency in Uyghur.  There were tons of Uyhgurs toiling away as torturous punishment.  On the way back from China we stopped in Florence (Firenze), Italy.  All these passengers were saying "Oh finally there it is "Europa!"  I was wondering what the fuck is Europa.  It turned out to be the trainstation where we caught the wrong train and ended up in Siberia.  YES, Siberia.  ........

    I've Been Sick All Week Long

    Word of the day:  diletante\DIL-uh-tahnt\ noun: 1 : an admirer or lover of the arts.  *2 : a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge : dabbler.

    "The average human heart beats 100,000 times per day.  Make those beats count; and heard!"

    I've been in bed the entire week and finally today, Saturday have been up and about a little.  I've not even been well enough to make entries into my blog. 

    I've been unable to go to work for the entire week as well.  This worries me too.  As I do love my job.  I do perform my duties to the fullest of my ability. But the bottom line is I dont want to be here in the Washington, DC area right now.  I need a change.  I want to be in Bristol.  Anywhere other than here in Washington.  Boston, Palm Springs, San Francisco, Atlanta.  Anywhere else but here in Washington.  I feel alone, unloved, stagnant, dying. 

    Tuesday, May 9, 2006

    I Wonder How Long It Will Be Before Jeff Demands Money?

    Word of the day:  euonym\NER-cher\ verb:  A suitable (perfect) name..

    "You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you."  John Wooden, College basketball coach


    Monday, May 8, 2006

    Jeff Has Broken The Spirit of Our Brotherhood and Hurt Me Greatly

    Word of the day:  antipyretic\ter-&-'dak-t&l\ noun: definition.

    "While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow part of us to die -- whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious uniqueness."  Gilda Radner, Comedienne


    Friday, May 5, 2006

    Today's Entry...what will it be about?

    Word of the day:  pterodactyl\ter-&-'dak-t&l\ noun: 1 : any of various extinct flying reptiles of the order Ptersauria that existed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

    "There's nothing like a newborn baby to renew your spirit -- and to buttress your resolve to make the world a better place."  Virginia Kelly, nurse

    Today's entry is about an exceptionally pleasant surprise.  I finally, after over a year and a half, met D from Tennessee.  OMG, he's so handsome and sexy.  Beautiful smile and brilliant eyes.  The little arch in his brows.  I beleive he's got a heart of gold but some have taken it from him at times, not in good faith.  He reminds me of me; a little.  I know some of the things he doesn't, and would like to gradually over time show him what those things really are.  Starting with....Affection and appreciation.  the genuine type, NOT the self-serving knock-off that one comes by hand over fist these days.