Saturday, December 24, 2005

My homeplace. Where I grew up

Yes, contrary to what many may think, presume, or assume.  These are my humble beginnings.  Rural Route A, Box 160 Mendota, VA  24270.  A small 4 room concrete block house where I was raised.  Yes we were poor.  Very poor.  However, the influences this youth had on me has made me a good man.  At least thats what most people have to say about me.  My mother loved me and my brother too much.  I recall when I left home, being the protective mother she was, tried everything in the world to hold me back.  She was exceptionally proud of me and my successes in life after she come to terms with my breaking away, being on my own to find my place in the world.  She never let Jeff have that opportunity because of his mental illness she protected him from everything.  I wish she would just have let him get a few knocks of the real world.  It'd been a big help to me nowadays that I'm taking care of Jeff.

I know I make numerous references to music, oftentimes country music.  Loretta Lynn's new CD "Van Leer Rose" has a song on it "This Old House".  In the song she sings, if this old house could talk, what a story it could tell", well thats the way with the house I grew up in.  Loretta and I grew up probably in similar socio-economic groups.  Her early married life was similar to my mom's minus the large number of kids.

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