Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Its Ending On A GREAT Note

WOW!  I can't get over the fact that 2005 is on its way out and 2006 will be here in just a matter of 3 days.  I'm really glad that 2005 is ending and I'm in such a great frame of mind from all the turmoil in my life this year.  But I must say, it has been most worthwhile eventhough I wish I'd never have had to experience what I've experienced this year.  Unquestionably, this has been the worst year of my life in terms of having a rough row to hoe.  But it is not been weathered without merit.  Im so fortunate and grateful of what I've been through this year.  I've truly been blessed.  I have a deeper understanding of myself, others, and the relationships I have with those around me.  I'm so proud of the lessons I've learned this year as well as the manners in which those lessons have been taught and how I've learned them.  For all that has been bad to the onlooker's first impression has undoubtedly been priceless to me.  I'm glad I'm moving into 2006 with all this behind me and with new knowledge and tools to undertake the challenges which will present themselves in my bright future.

I'd like to take a moment to say thanks to the following people:

1.  My mother, Irene L. Childers-Dixon who has been beside me all through it.  Who is sitting here with me and is as proud as a mother can be of her son.

2.  My best friend in this world, Sandy Smith.  She is truly everything a friend can be. I'm so grateful for her. She means the world to me and I can repay her monetarily for what she's done for me, but I can never repay her for what she means to me.

3.  My brother, Jeff Dixon for being my brother and sacrificing to help me.

4.  Jaime Coronado for taking the time to be my friend, understanding me, trusting and seeing the value in me as a person and most importantly, as his friend. 

5.  John Petersen for being a guardian angel who took me in professionally, and nurtured me back to spiritual and physical health.

6.  Risa Guber for knowing the best when she seen it.  The unspoken holiday gifts.  Her generosity.

7.  Denise Sadler for being supportive of me and giving me guidance to maintain the empowerment of my disabled brother.

8.  Harold and Vernon Hutton for their patience and understanding.  For making opportunities available to me when they weren't elsewhere.

9.  Sandra Jones for helping provide me some work when there was nothing else around.

10.  Martin (Maarten) Dixon for searching deep in his soul to find resolve, strenght, drive, and determination to overcome.  To pick himself up, dust himself off, and keep going unscathed.  He couldn't have done it without the support and faith in him from the people aforementioned.  For some odd reason, no matter how bad a situation has been that he has been into throughout his life, as Dexter Thomas and many, many, many, others have often said.  Maarten can "fall in a shit house and come out smelling like a rose"  For some odd reason, I must agree.  I think its the faith he has in himself and his survival instinct, and positve outlook.  I also have to say thanks to him for divorcing all those so called "friends" including John McCracken.  For having the courage and strength to stand up to those who were obsequiously associating themselves with him for their own personal gain.  Those who, through Maarten's innocence ceased opportunity  in Maarten's considering them his friends, in blissful and tender loving spirit.

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