Monday, December 19, 2005

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Etc

This year in Bristol; the entire East Tennessee/Southwest Virginia region is embroiled in the debate over which greeting to use for the holidays.  I prefer using "happy holidays" because to me, its "inclusive" opposed to being "exclusive".  I prefer to include everyone in my holidays instead of just those of the Christian faith.  I want to include Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindu's, etc in my holiday greetings.  Its perfectly fine by me if you want to say "Merry Christmas" to me, just make sure you know I'm of a Chirstian faith.  I think it is equally offensive if you dishonor another's faith and impose your Christianity upon them as it would be for someone to impose their Hindu, Orthodox, or other faith upon you by saying "Happy Kwanza" when you're Christian.  Just please be sensitive and respectful of others in offering your kind and heartfelt greetings.  Not all believe as you do.

Mother!  Can you please help me to learn Chris Criscuolo is OK?

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