Friday, December 23, 2005

Mother Answered My Request About Chris Criscuolo! Toonie Passed 1 Year Ago Today.

Word of the day:  dewy  \Doo-eee\  adjective:1 : moist with, affected by, or suggestive of dew.  *2 : innocent, unsophisticated

NEW:  Star Gazing  LIGO:   After surviving the fury of Hurricane Katrina, a new observatory is set to start looking for fury among the stars. It's called LIGO, and it'll try to detect gravitational waves -- ripples in space itself. The sources of these ripples may range from exploding stars to colliding black holes.

Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity says that any object should produce gravitational waves as it moves through space. But only the most violent motion of the most massive objects should produce waves that are big enough to detect. The list includes exploding stars and the mergers of black holes or other super-dense objects like neutron stars.

The observatory uses lasers to measure the lengths of long tubes. When a gravitational wave passes through Earth, it briefly squeezes and stretches our planet and everything on it. If a big-enough wave passes through, it should alter the length of these tubes just enough for scientists to detect. That would confirm that gravity ripples through the universe.

LIGO includes two sets of detectors -- one in Washington state, and the other in Louisiana. Scientists use two sites to make sure that any detections come from space, and not from here on Earth.

The Washington site was scheduled to begin 24-hour-a-day science observations last month. The Louisiana site, which survived Hurricane Katrina with only minor damage, could go online by the end of the year, beginning a search for ripples in the universe.

Today, when I arrived my house in Bristol, mother had answered my request.  I reached into my mailbox to get my two weeks worth of mail.  In the mail is a card from Chris Criscuolo.  Mother never lets me down.  I haven't opened it yet.  I wanted to wait until I was able to add this entry into my blog.  OK, I'm opening it now. WOW!  HE has given me thanks for my continued love and friendship over the years.  Actually it was never something I had to put effort into.  I think very highly of him and care deeply for him.  Maybe too deeply.  He's continually been on my mind.  I offer to him all the support I could possibly extend to him. I beleive he deserves it.  It seems as though he has encountered a very difficult year.  His in comparison to my minimal understanding makes what I encountered this year to be miniscule.  I'll take a photo of his card and place it here on my blog.  I think I could easily spend a lot of time with this handsome, kind, and sweet man.

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