Friday, December 16, 2005

Living In Morocco

Living life in Morocco sure is nice when you're an American and accustomed to the American "way of life".  You can literally live like their king for a fraction of what we live on here in the U.S. even if you earn less than $30K/yr.  The luxuries of life are so affordable. 

Now the key to this is:  Making sure you retire from your U.S. job and relocate there.  Otherwise, the job market isn't all that great nor can you find a "real" job easily unless you're well connected to the Moroccan establishment.  Such as my friend Anwar, who's father is the Moroccan Minister of Police.  Perhaps I would have met his father under different circumstances the time I was in Morocco and going through customs on my exit out of the country at Tangier.  Non-Arab individuals are immediately harrassed by these people wanting to be your "official guide" throughout the country.  What they do is nothing less than be an annoying pest which is there to get your money.  Upon my exit, this guy who didn't visibly nor officially introduce himself as a Moroccan Customs Agent, insisted on helping me to find my travel documents.  I cursed him out in French.  I learned he was a customs agent when I found my documents and was heading for the ship to Algecerias, Spain.  He could have easily arrested me and thrown me into a Moroccan gulag.

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