Thursday, December 15, 2005

I Locked Myself Out Of My Office

Word of the day: forfend \for-FEND\ verb: *1 : to ward off : prevent.  2 : protect, preserve.

NEW:  Price of Gasoline (Regular Unleaded 87 Octane)  $2.39.9 (Washington, DC)

If I had a brain, I don't know what would occur.  This morning I arrive at my office at 4:30am.  At 5:00am, I decide to step just outside my office suite without my shoes; to the soda machine to get a soda.  Low and behold, just as the door shuts, I realize, I don't have my key.  .................  YEP!  You got it!  I had to sit there in the hallway until now when the kind Building Engineer came and let me back inside.   GEEEZ!

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