Saturday, December 24, 2005

My Friend Jaime

Jaime is a very very special friend to me.  We've known each other for a few years and our accquaintenceship has gradually turned into a friendship.  He has very strong values and integrity.  He's ALWAYS reached out to me.  I'm grateful for him.  He's always checking in with me and genuinely interested in what all is going on in my life.  I recall one time seeing him and his partner out and about.  I don't know his partner as well as him, but his partner sure does have a great catch. 

Jaime is an artist.  I want to go see his theatre productions.  I know it will happen soon.  I've been travelling to Bristol every weekend here for the past few months.  Once I get all settled in, and things in Bristol squared away, I'll be able to be in town on weekends and be able to attend his shows.

Jaime is a beautiful man.  Physically, as well as in who he is and what he stands for as a man.  He's brilliant, caring, loving, sensitive, and strong.  Jaime is one friend, I'm proud to have.  I'm grateful to have.  I'm blessed to have.  He's the kind of friend I like to be.

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