Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I Believe I'll Be Around For A Long Time

Word of the day:  tarry  \tar-E\ verb:  1 a : to delay or be tardy in acting or doing b : to linger in expectation : WAIT  2 : to abide or stay in or at a place

My new job:
I believe that I may have what is probably a long lasting job.  This is my 2nd week there and I believe it is going to be work out quite well.  Here in the ab ovo, I have a great attitude, frame of mind, and what so far is a good working relationship with my boss, Risa.  She is also an AU Eagle (a graduate of The American University).  I really like her work and management styles.  Her ideologies are pretty much in sync with mine.  She understands how I like to be involved and my intellect and so forth sets me apart from many others.

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