Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Kenny Alphin and John Rich, The Music Mafia, & Never Mind Me.

Word of the day:  snivel  \SNIV-ul\ verb: 1 a : to run at the nose b : snuffle.  2 : to cry or whine with snuffling.  *3 : to speak or act in a whining, sniffling, tearful, or weakly emotional manner.

Big & Rich
"Big Kenny" and John Rich

   Comin' to Your City

For Christmas this year, I purchased myself something I've wanted.  It wasn't expensive.  Only $13.99 at WalMart in Bristol.  It was the new CD, "Coming To Your City" by Big 'n Rich!  This CD is absolutely great.  I loved the first CD "Horse Of A Different Color".  But this CD has so much of their "Music Mafia" influence.  Irreverence to the country music genre which makes you feel great.  The most important thing about this CD is it is clear in the music that Big Kenny and John are having nothing but FUN!  John Rich is a former vocalist for Lonestar, another country group.

The music of these two guys, their styles, their flamboyance, attitudes, and energy are all Maarten.  Their music represents the essence of my likes in music, experiences in life, and mindsets.  I think I want to get both CDs and and give them as "special gifts" to those special to me.


Price of Gasoline:  (Regular Unleaded 87 Octane)  $2.12.9 (Woodstock, VA I-81, Exit 283).


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