Sunday, November 27, 2005

What A Drive

Word of the day: effulgence  \\ih-FULL-junss\ noun: radiant splendor : brilliance.

What a drive that was from Bristol back to Washington today.  Not only did I have to contend with the regular parking lot of Interstate 81 from Bristol to Front Royal, Virginia.  Add to it the returning Thanksgiving traffic and rain.  Pour in a few accidents and you have STRESS!.  Thanks to the effulgence of my intelligence and perhaps the lack of other out of towner travellers, I had to get off I-81 on 4 occasions and drive up State Highway 11, the old route to Washington, DC prior to the interstate being built.  It helped me tremendously in getting to DC.

Near exit 175, Wattstull, VA there was a 20 car pile-up southbound and everyone northbound was rubber-necking and that held traffic up with a northbound back-up of about 15 miles.  The southbound back-up was well over 20 miles long.

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