Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Here We Go Again.......

Word of the Day:  fräu·lein   Pronunciation: 'froi-"lIn  Function: noun  Etymology: German, diminutive of Frau  1 capitalized : an unmarried German woman -- used as a title equivalent to Miss.  2 : a German governess

First, I'm happy to learn this word.  I've heard it used throughout country music. But didn't know of spelling.  Tonight while listening to Hank's Place on XM Radio here on AOL.  I learned its spelling and therefore looked up the definition and am pleasantly surprised to learn its meaning.

OK, Here we go again.  No, NOT as in the old Dolly Parton song, "Here You Come Again",


Job Hunting.   Why doesn't jobs seem to work out here for me this year?  This has got to have been the WORST year of my life.  What I firmly believe it is; is that I'm not doing what is in my heart and soul.  Part of which is being back in Bristol.  Back to the drawing board.

Perhaps this way 2006 will start out on a new and better foot.

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