Monday, November 7, 2005

Remember Prince Charles? I wonder...

Over the past few months I've observed some things that are "just not right", meaning what he's telling me as a freind, doesn't seem to be wholly consistent.  I've not said anything about it to him.  Early on, I didn't pay much attention to it.  But over time more and more didn't quite add up.  Its the little things that really wouldn't make a difference to you nor me.   Things you remember not being kosher, but never remember what it was specifically.  However, for me, over time those little things add up to be noticeable.  I don't know what he has going on but I can only go by what he tells me.  Granted its none of my business, it does however make me uneasy thinking he may not be being forthright and straightforward. One example, he says he needs money.  I offered him a couple of chores to do for me, for which I'd pay him.  He couldn't do them.  The chores were cleaning around inside my house in Bristol. It was such an easy task and for him not to want to do it, told me he didnt REALLY need the money.


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