Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Thank You


THANK YOU, for your kind, generous, thoughtful, and gratefully appreciated extension of my work deadline.  While I've been busting my ass to find new employment resulting from the changes here at the office, the challenge is escalated simply because of this being the 2005 holiday season.  A time  when companies are generally in a "cooling down" mode in preparation of the upcoming holidays and all the aspects of that including employee's holiday vacations, hiring decisions, etcetera.  I've had numerous interviews.  Several have been chaff; seperated from the wheat.  However some very promising opportunities have presented themselves but won't be acted upon by corporate decision-makers until after the first of the year.

Again, I'm thankful, appreciative, and most importantly grateful for your generousity.  Your decisoin makes a marked difference and has a meaning and significance to me that WILL NOT ever go unrecognized nor forgotten.  For me, I classify acts like yours under what I consider "the chain of love" which cannot ever end.  That, simply would be wrong!  What you have done for me obligates me to you, and most importantly myself to pass the kindness along to some other deserving person along the pathway of my life.  That, I promise, will happen.


Perhaps I should treat myself to crabcakes from "The Oceanaire" in celebration!

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