Friday, November 4, 2005

Bristol VA Utilities Board

WORD OF THE DAY:  ab ovo\ab-ovo\ In the beginning.

OK,  That damn Bristol, VA Utilities Board is ANNOYING at least.  I can't believe it!  Ab ovo from when I purchased this house here in Bristol, VA; I've yet to receive a statement.  They've been given the proper address on more occasions than I can recall, have still yet NEVER ONCE received a bill.  I get home late last night at 3:00am and a notice is on my door they turned off my electricity and I was pissed.  To add insult to injury, I no more than get in bed in my cold house then I hear a knocking at my door and a bright light on the wall of windows in my bedroom.  I then see someone run past and low and behold, its a policeman.  The neighbor woman, had called the police thinking someone was in my house.  Yes I'm grateful for her keeping an eye on my property because I'm always gone.  But this is a double-edged sword that had a "nosey" element on one of its side.  I suppose its my being a city boy where I live 24hours and this is a quiet country town where people occupy themselves too much with what I deem as not worthwhile and microminded ideas and 'gossip".

When I got to BVUB, today I learned they charge me $28.15 each month just for them being there.  Then I learn they disconnect people after 25days delinquency, and the after another 5 days close the account.  This is unsettling to me in terms of the poor who make up a large part of their customer base. These are predominantly people who live on Social Security, disability, and/or other types of public assistance.  When they close the account they require deposits from everyone. In my mind, this amounts to nothing more than a SCAM, and a BIG ONE.  To top it all off, they provide Water, Sewer, Garbage, and Electricity,  What in the fuck does my tax dollars go to?  I'd really like to know.  Because I see NO city bus services, no mass transit, etc.  I'm going to find out and when I do, if what I find out isn't "kosher", then I'm going to be rattling some of the cages and a bird or two might just fly out.

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