Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Brittany Spears Live



A picture is worth a thousand words they say, but unfortunately in this case, regrettably, I don't have one.  Thats actually a good thing as I want to be able to discuss freely here on my blog without comprimising myself or anyone else in any way, shape, or form.  As you read this post, you'll understand why.

Last weekend Brittany Spears happened to be passing by Washington, DC from venue to venue and decided to stop in and give everyone at Le Palais du Couchon, one of those impromptu gratis shows.  You know the kind that entertainers don't allow to be publicized.  Brittany has been in the media so much lately from roping that Federline hubby to popping that young-in so she decided to give herself and that instant family a breather from all the hoop-la and holler by doing a few special numbers to guests at Le Palais du Couchon.  Somehow all the recent media coverage of her combined with Siegel's possible new "Gay Disneyland" (you know she was once a Mousketeer) was too much for her tiny brain to process so her hard drive got hung on "Ooops, I Did It Again"!  She sang that song all night long and the crowd of tweakers young and old alike kept screaming for more.  So there it was you had an entire weekend of "round the clock" Ooops!  Being the artist Brittany is, she sure knows how to keep the crowd's attention from waning.  Since she sang only one song, she performed it in her Coal Miner's Daughter public disguise (lovely Loretta Lynn wig), then there was the Mary Katherine Gallagher cheerleader in pink version,  the Cheryl Tiegs version using a substitute Dolly Parton wig she won from eBay.  Then the audience at the Palais was so out of control when she did the "moo-moo" version of Ooops!  The staff was worried they were going to have to call in the DC guard.  I'm just glad I wasn't Peter who was on duty when she did that "moo-moo" version.  It was just simply TOO MUCH for any one man alone in terms of crowd control.  He made the right decision by calling in the entire staff for crowd control.  Even at that, they really needed more security, especially for Brittany and that baby she had nursing while performing the "moo-moo". 

As for Mr. Federline, he was safe and sound, going door-to-door getting in a little pre-Halloween "Trick and Treating".  His favorite streets were Miss Universe Avenue, Love Shack Boulevard, Love Shack Cul de Sac, and Couchon Run.  He said he hit 40 doors (I don't understand how he did that, when there were only 39 houses,  maybe he did one twice). 

Ok, enough for him.  Back to Brittany, she's the "superstar", "pop princess"  anyhow.  She was so nice to finish off the weekend by agreeing to shoot her new, and very soon to be released "Brittany Spears Bathhouse Workout Video"  Yep, you guessed it correctly.  She did it all in the gym of "Le Palais du Couchon".  I suppose that speaks to the extravagant selection of facilitites the place has.  She'd lift weights, press benches, and lift her legs for a bit.  Take a breather and hit the sauna to warm up more only to return to shoot more footage of the video.  I just can't wait to get my own copies.  Note I make that plural! 

I can only imagine how entertaining and seductive it will be especialy with all that black iron, chrome steel, mirrors on every wall reflecting every bead of sweat on Brittany's glabrous body.   Not forgetting all the Guatemalan Cooties running frantically all over the gym floor.   She'd carried those cooties into the gym from the video room where she'd been trying to view her just shot takes to see how they're turning out.  One time another famous entertainer had stopped by and her personal assistant Consquilla had carried those damn cooties all the way from Guatemala as a special gift to Flutie.  Never telling anyone they procreated faster than any Mexican jackrabbit you could find in the Andes.  Comes to find out the gestation period for those Guatemalian Cooties is 2 minutes.  That was faster than some of the come-quickly's I know of.  Needlesstosay, when you open the door to enter, you have to fight off a stampede of cooties frantically running everywhere and going nowhere.  These things are big, black, and bout the size of a small cellular phone. One of those cooties got in Brittany's thing where it was dialated from birthing that "young-in" and she had to dig, stroke, and poke to get it out.  That was NOT a pretty sight. 

Like all good things, it must come to an end.  When it did, Brittany was escorted out the secret entrance and to her Prevost parked just outside.  All the fans waved their feet and screamed, moaned, and groaned as she rode away into Sunday's evening sunset to anotherscheduled show.

History on Brittany:  She is an  81 year-old transvestite who has little understanding of what femininity and womanhood is about.  He seemed to only know that its something he likes to do and wishes he'd done it earlier in life.  He now is experimenting with this interest and is basking in the attention he gets.  I'm sure most of it is negative attention, but for me, I'm not writing this with mean spirit but, instead with love and positive support for his courage and willingness to do at age 81 what others will never do in their lives eventhough they crave to.  I say; God bless! YOU GO GURL!

Had the Bathhouse Nazi been around, he'd be quelling all the fun since he's crashing from his girlfriend, Tina Tripp (Linda Tripp's cousin by marriage) and nowadays has a personality of MAYONNAISE!  Not Hellman's REAL Mayonnaise, but the Kraft's knock-off.

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