Saturday, November 26, 2005

Oh Jeff, I Love You So Much But Don't Know How to Show It!

Word of the day: bumbershoot  \BUM-ber-shoot\ noun: umbrella.

Jeff, I have such immense admiration for you.  You have overcome so much since Mother's passing.  I wish you were able to connect with her like I do daily.  She always reassures me that you're OK and that she's proud of you.  She always sends her love and oversight.  I too, love you more than words can say.  You have really taken the reigns of your mental illness and overcome obstacles I never thought you'd overcome.  I'm proud of you and wish I could show my love to you in a more tender way than how I do.  I suppose that if I weren't a "hard-liner" with you and your support network; as I am, you'd wouldn't have had the positive support you've received to help you accomplish so much.  I  believe in you.You too, must always believe in yourself.  You have overcome and will continue to do so long as you hold an unquavering and eternal confidence and faith in yourself.

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