Friday, June 10, 2005

Pride Weekend: Friday, Day 1

epigram \ \EP-ih-gram\ • noun 1 : a concise poem dealing pointedly and often satirically with a single thought or event and often ending with an ingenious turn of thought  *2 : a terse, sage, or witty and often paradoxical saying  3 : epigrammatic expression

Today begins the weekend of DC Pride 2005.  I'd like to go to the events but, the crowds will be so large that I'm afraid that I'll have panic attacks in public.  That'd NOT be good.  Additionally, I don't have resources to go and wholly enjoy it either.  Therefore I'm going to stay at home or maybe I'll go to The Love Shack.

I went to The Love Shack, and it was quite busy, but I wasn't able to engage since I'm extraordinarily depressed.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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