Thursday, June 16, 2005

I Begin Work!

brobdingnagian \brob-ding-NAG-ee-un\  adjective : marked by tremendous size

Next Tuesday June 21 I have another interview with HK.  I look so forward to it.  Then next Thursday, June 23, I begin work at AG Pharma, one of the world's largest and most profitable pharmaceutical companies.  NO, I WONT BE A PHARMACOLOGICAL ENGINEER, but I will be the Special Assistant to the CEO.  Its rather uncanny how this position has come before me.  I've wanted to apply to the pharmaceutical companies in Bristol for a long time as they are the only companies there which will pay my standard of salary. So if I had a position at one of those companies, then I'd be able to fully move to Bristol and live my good life easily.  NOW, to this position at AG Pharma.  It is a 1 year temporary assisgnment.  This allows me to gain some industry jargon and knowledge on a first hand basis and gives me professional experience in that particular industry directly.  The pay rate is just shy of what I would ask if I were a regular full-time employee.  The brobdingnagian offices, OMG, they are the epitime of bourgie!  I will accept this position and both the employer and I have agreed that it is acceptable for me to continue to interview since this position is classified as "temporary".  However, it can be "permanent" provided......  While I perform the duties of this job, I'll continue to look, and in the meantime, if I dont find something sooner, then later will be just fine too.  Im delighted to have been offered this position given recent hard times.  It so peculiar how it seemed during the interview processes, to fit both parties mutually well from all angles. 

Now, everyone NO MORE CROSSING FINGERS, they'll only bring me bad luck.  I sure can't let this one get jinxed.  I don't want a repeat Fontheim.

Thanks everyone for each and every bit of support, kindness, love, and guidance that each of you provided to me recently.  No matter how large or small, it all receives equal heartfelt, endearing, and appreciative gratefulness without prejudice of any kind.  

It is my friends, whom I truly LOVE.  BLESS EACH OF YOU!

Today I'm Grateful for:  My friends who have stood by me during the past several months and helped me cope.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny, wise insightful.  New to this sort of thing but I like the way that you express yourself.  Hang in there.  " Polished Good ol Girl from the South"