Thursday, June 30, 2005

5-Day Weekend

germane \jer-MAYN\ • adjective : being at once relevant and appropriate : fitting

This was day 6 on my new job.  Today begins my 5 day Fourth of July holiday with my new temporary employer.  I think they like me a lot.  I know my boss is just too cool for school.  So are the other two people who I work closely with.  Jewel, is a simply that.  Hilary is Hogan & Hartson breakaway lawyer, and Donna, she's too bourgie!  But you'd never know it by her physiognomy.  I think it happen just like at PWC, I went in on a temporary contract basisi and ended up staying 12 years.  After just 5 days there I got a job offer and they told me if I wanted to stay at PWC, just to go to HR and let them know what my salary would be.  I can stay if I want.  No matter what the cost.

I expect offers from HK, and DA.   Possibly another one from an NGO.  I was told I was the leading candidate in all three.  So that'll come soon probably.  If AM asks me to stay and the salary and title are right, I will.  These people are great.  My office is beautiful. My schedule is great and my boss himself told me to work hard, but not harder than I have too.  So....

Today I'm Grateful for:  FOR THIS JOB.

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June 29 - Surprise Surprise

apposite \AP-uh-zit\ • adjective : highly pertinent or appropriate : apt

This is day 5 of my new job.    WOW!  Guess what!  You know PWC was my favorite job of all.  I loved working with all those true experts.  Some of the worlds most recognized economists, lawyers, and tax and financial experts.  I'm really loving my new job too. 

Surprise. Surprise.  Today I learned 3 of my former coworkers at PWC are at AM.  All three of them were some of my best colleagues at PWC.  They were all so happily surprised to see me again.  Evenmore so to have the opportunity to work with me again.  In a way, I feel like I'm home again.  I have been somewhat homesick for PWC eversince I left there in 2001.  I know I just don't have it in me to return there and go at it like I used too.

Today I'm Grateful for:  My new job.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

June 28 - A Thanalogic Epiphany!

Thanatology \than-uh-TAH-luh-jee\ • noun : the description or study of the phenomena of death and of psychological mechanisms for coping with them

Death:  An ominous reminder of our own mortality, it challenges us to celebrate life, to experience the present as though we were taking our last breath.

This is day 4 at my new job.  Today, Cheryl messaged me.  She's so spirited and happy. I never knew she was family.  Until she indirectly disclosed it to me.  She such a beautiful woman.  Inside and out.  She referred to me in an endearing manner in her email message to me today.  I'm impressed with her strength.  I can relate to her in many ways.  Especially events of my last 6 months of 2005.

I emailed her today's word.  For as much as I have studied the topic, I never knew of the term Thanatology.  I sure have a new perspective on it since October 20, 1998. 

Cheryl's somewhat my cheerleader at work.

Today I'm Grateful for:  For my new job.

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June 27 A Monday Morning Panick Attack


imbricate \IM-bruh-kayt\ • verb : overlap; especially : to overlap like roof tiles

Today is day 3 of my new job.  Since my job is so close by, I've been walking or takign the subway.  I rarely take the subway because of my Panic Disorder.  This morning, I had a Panic Attack on the Subway and just as I was on my way out of the Gallery Place station, Jeff calls and just throws 1 million gallons of fuel on the fire.  OMG, it wasn't a nice thing. I arrived at the office freaking and trying to be cool.  I was wringing wet with sweat and rain.

Today I'm Grateful for: 
My new job.</>

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Sunday, June 26, 2005 "The Crying Game"

monger \MUNG-gur\ • noun 1 : broker, dealer—usually used in combination
*2 : a person who attempts to stir up or spread something that is usually petty or discreditable—usually used in combination

The Crying Game


I know all there is to know about the crying game
I’ve had my share of the crying game

First there are kisses, then there are sighs
And then before you know where you are
You’re sayin’ goodbye

One day soon I’m gonna tell the moon about the crying game
And if he knows maybe he’ll explain

Why there are heartaches, why there are tears
And what to do to stop feeling blue
When love disappears

I know all there is to know about the crying game
I’ve had my share of the crying game

First there are kisses, then there are sighs
And then before you know where you are
You’re sayin’ goodbye

Don’t want no more of the crying game
Don’t want no more of the crying game
Don’t want no more of the crying game
Don’t want no more of the crying game

Today I'm Grateful for:  My new job.

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Bristol, VA/TN A Tale of Two Cities!

Pyrric  \PEER-ik\ • adjective : achieved at excessive cost; also : costly to the point of negating or outweighing expected benefits

Bristol, VA/TN.   A city sitting directly on the border of two states.  Tennessee and Virginia.  This place is my close by to my hometown, Mendota, VA.  When I was a kid and we "went to town", it was either to Bristol or Abingdon, VA.  We were poor in terms of money.  But rich in values, ethics, and spirit.

When I left Bristol nearly 25 years ago. I never looked back.  I was in a sense running from what is was my past and towards what is now my future.  Had anyone ever said to me at that time, or even 5 years ago that Bristol would be part of my future, I'd have probably laughed and shrugged it off as nonsense.

In the last few years a spark; an undying ember, has revived itself in my soul and now I own a home there, which I purchased without it being something in the family.  I love my home there and one day soon, I hope to set up my new business there and operate it out of my home.  That business would be a 501(c)(3) organization focusing on the plight of rural poor and the obstacles they face from childhood, adulthood, and as families.  I hope to be able to make a contribution to make this socio-economic sitiuation better for underpriviledged folks in the future.  I hope I can make it happen.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

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June 24 Friday

cocooning  \kuh-KOON-ing\ • noun : the practice of spending leisure time at home in preference to going out

Today is Day 2 on my new job.   ext

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

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June 23 Thursday DAY 1 at AM

advertent  \ad-VER-tunt\ • adjective : giving attention : heedful

Today is the first day of my new job.  I'm nervous and not too confident based on what all I've been through lately in terms of work.  I hope it works out for what it is.  I'm going in with a positive attitude, outlook, and mindset.  I'm going to work hard and give my best.  Like with PWC, if my best isn't good enough, then I can't say I failed. 

Today I'm Grateful for:  This new temporary job.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Dirt Roads

NOTE:  This post is actually taking place on September 29, 2005.  This information is current as of this date.  This page was an empty page and its contents are "fill" for this particular vacant page. 

I recall growing up in Appalachia; Southwest Virginia.  Specifically Mendota, VA located in WashingtonCounty.  I read this article that appeared today on the online version of The Bristol Herald Courier; the major local newspaper.  This article speaks of the dislike and lack of safety dirt roads affect.  I recall just simply hating those damn dirt roads.  You could never keep your car clean even in a drought.  Oh My God, when it rained, your car had just taken a mud bath.  Add to that the loose gravel that would be thrown around.  You could have a new car and in sight of 3 months, its paint would be chipped making it look 10 years old or older.

Here’s the copy and paste of the newspaper article to today’s Bristol Herald Courier:

Unpaved Roads

Bill Christian

News Channel 11

Sep 28 7:13PM EDT

There are several unpaved roads in the Tri-Cities area. In Washington County Virginia, homeowners living along  Whitaker Hollow Road are concerned for their safety.  "There is going to be a accident. It's going to be a loss of life." Said Wendy Harman, Washington County VAHomeowner.  Whitaker Hollow road is very narrow and dusty. It's one of several roads on a six-year plan by Washington County Virginia Commissioners scheduled to be paved.    "This road was added to the six year plan in 2004 and it has a position on the plan." Said Christy Parker, Assistant Washington County Virginia Administrator.  Money from the Virginia Department of Transportation is being used to make this road tolerable for the people who live here. It was recently graded and smoothed out, but Wendy Harman and others here say more must be done to make their road safer.  "This time we are not going to stop, we can't. It may be our life, our children's lives, it may be our friends." Said Evelyn Goodson, =Washington County Virginia Homeowner.


County officials say they are aware of the concerns by citizens, but will not move one road ahead of another on the six year plan. They say each road has been carefully examined to determine which ones are in the worst shape.  It's expected to be several years before construction would begin on  Whitaker Hollow Road. County officials say there are many roads in the County that are not on the six year repair plan because a lack of funding.


Today I'm Grateful for:  Text .

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word \definition

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

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An Easter At RJ's

This particular Easter, was in 2003, I believe.  My friend, RJ Pugh invited me, Sandy, and several other friends over for Easter dinner.  There I met Mike and some of RJ's other friends.  We had a wonderful dinner and enjoyed each other's company and freindship.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Winters In Washington

Wintertime in Washington can be, well usually is, two things.  One being BEAUTIFUL, and the other being BITE ASS COLD.  Especially January 1-March 31.  The pics in this posting are of my house and my street.


Thursday, June 16, 2005

I Begin Work!

brobdingnagian \brob-ding-NAG-ee-un\  adjective : marked by tremendous size

Next Tuesday June 21 I have another interview with HK.  I look so forward to it.  Then next Thursday, June 23, I begin work at AG Pharma, one of the world's largest and most profitable pharmaceutical companies.  NO, I WONT BE A PHARMACOLOGICAL ENGINEER, but I will be the Special Assistant to the CEO.  Its rather uncanny how this position has come before me.  I've wanted to apply to the pharmaceutical companies in Bristol for a long time as they are the only companies there which will pay my standard of salary. So if I had a position at one of those companies, then I'd be able to fully move to Bristol and live my good life easily.  NOW, to this position at AG Pharma.  It is a 1 year temporary assisgnment.  This allows me to gain some industry jargon and knowledge on a first hand basis and gives me professional experience in that particular industry directly.  The pay rate is just shy of what I would ask if I were a regular full-time employee.  The brobdingnagian offices, OMG, they are the epitime of bourgie!  I will accept this position and both the employer and I have agreed that it is acceptable for me to continue to interview since this position is classified as "temporary".  However, it can be "permanent" provided......  While I perform the duties of this job, I'll continue to look, and in the meantime, if I dont find something sooner, then later will be just fine too.  Im delighted to have been offered this position given recent hard times.  It so peculiar how it seemed during the interview processes, to fit both parties mutually well from all angles. 

Now, everyone NO MORE CROSSING FINGERS, they'll only bring me bad luck.  I sure can't let this one get jinxed.  I don't want a repeat Fontheim.

Thanks everyone for each and every bit of support, kindness, love, and guidance that each of you provided to me recently.  No matter how large or small, it all receives equal heartfelt, endearing, and appreciative gratefulness without prejudice of any kind.  

It is my friends, whom I truly LOVE.  BLESS EACH OF YOU!

Today I'm Grateful for:  My friends who have stood by me during the past several months and helped me cope.

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The Carter Fold

word \definition   Click that link and you can have some insight into my music background.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.




word \definition

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


word \definition

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Monday, June 13, 2005

FREEDOM! What Does Michael Jackson Feel As It Relates To Freedom?

sycophant \ slanderer, swindler, from Greek sykophantEs slanderer, from sykon fig + phainein to show. : a servile self-seeking flatterer

Today, I was reading an article in The Washington Post about Mike Tyson.  The article was about him and the mercurial life he has.  It also spoke of his sycophants.  I wasn't familiar with that word, so I looked it up and used it as my word of the day today.

The jury reached their verdict in the case of "The People of The State of California v. Michael Joe Jackson.  The verdict is: 

Count 1 - Conspiracy NOT GUILTY

Count 2 - Lewd act upon a minor, NOT GUILTY.

Count 3 -Lewd act upon a minor, NOT GUILTY.

Count 4 -Lewd act upon a minor, NOT GUILTY.

Count 5 -Lewd act upon a minor, NOT GUILTY.

Count 6 - Attempting to commit a lewd act upon a minor.  NOT GUILTY.

Count 7 - Administering an intoxicating agent to assist in a felony.  NOT GUILTY.

Count 7Lesser - Administering an intoxicating agent to assist in a felony.  NOT GUILTY.

Count 8 - Administering an intoxicating agent to assist in a felony.  NOT GUILTY.

Count 8 Lesser -Administering an intoxicating agent to assist in a felony.  NOT GUILTY.

Count 9 - Administering an intoxicating agent to assist in a felony.  NOT GUILTY.

Count 9 Lesser - Administering an intoxicating agent to assist in a felony.  NOT GUILTY.

Count 10 - Administering an intoxicating agent to assist in a felony.  NOT GUILTY.

Count 10 Lesser - Administering an intoxicating agent to assist in a felony.  NOT GUILTY.

I have an interview tomorrow afternoon at EM.  Its temporary to perm.  I also have to return to HK on the 21st for second interview.  I look forward to it.  Perhaps I'll have a temporary assignment for 2 weeks beginning tomorrow as well.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

DC Pride 2005: Sunday, Day 3

word \definition


Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

DC Pride 2005 - Saturday, Day 2

scion \SYE-un\ • noun  1 : a detached living portion of a plant (as a bud or shoot) joined to a stock in grafting and usually supplying solely aerial parts to a graft  *2 : descendant, child; especially : a descendant of a wealthy, aristocratic, or influential family  3 : heir

When I read today's word, the immediate thought that comes to mind is SNOWP, under meaning 2.  Specifically, her proclaimation that she's from an aristocratic German family.  BULLSHIT!  She's a scion alright.  A scion of P.W.T.

I wonder what lies she told for day 2 of DC Pride?  I rested, slept, and depression did its thing. 

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

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Friday, June 10, 2005

Pride Weekend: Friday, Day 1

epigram \ \EP-ih-gram\ • noun 1 : a concise poem dealing pointedly and often satirically with a single thought or event and often ending with an ingenious turn of thought  *2 : a terse, sage, or witty and often paradoxical saying  3 : epigrammatic expression

Today begins the weekend of DC Pride 2005.  I'd like to go to the events but, the crowds will be so large that I'm afraid that I'll have panic attacks in public.  That'd NOT be good.  Additionally, I don't have resources to go and wholly enjoy it either.  Therefore I'm going to stay at home or maybe I'll go to The Love Shack.

I went to The Love Shack, and it was quite busy, but I wasn't able to engage since I'm extraordinarily depressed.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Thanks, But No Mars Bar For Me

emigrate  \EM-uh-grayt\ • verb : to leave one's place of residence or country to live elsewhere

I just returned from the first interview.  The position which I went there for was a 4-6 month assignment to back-fill the CEO's Special Assistant while she is on an extended leave.  Based upon the interview AND the headhunter's accounts of the position and the company and the CEO, it may be a perfect fit and will accommodate my job search while I'm earning a pretty hefty salary.  The headhunter also wants to present me as a candidate to Jessica for her Special Assistant.  While this position would be a 6-figure position, I don't believe its a good idea for me to be considered for it for a number of reasons; one of which is my health, the stress factor, and the "go all over the place on a 2 minute notice" requirements.  I have to pursue positions which are lower stress, conducive to my health and quality of life, while providing a decent living.   This is why my career emigrated from PW to RF to WR.   I don't need 6-figures to live on.  My monthly debt including mortgages is only $1410.00.  I sure have to earn more than that in order to save like I need too.  I also have to keep up my style and image with Mark Nason shoes, Kenneth Cole shirts, and coolpants.

Today I'm Grateful for:  For all the calls I get to come in for interviews.

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talisman \ TAL-iss-mun\ noun   *1 : an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune  2 : something producing apparently magical or miraculous effects

I have two interviews tomorrow.  I sure hope that Indian Talisman that Billy lent me a while back is still working..

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

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Monday, June 6, 2005

Welcome To The Love Shack

homonym \HAH-muh-nim\ • noun 1 : homophone  2 : homograph  *3 : one of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning (as the noun "quail" and the verb "quail") 

The Love Shack is my new screen name online.  Its also the new name of my little getaway, renamed by all my buddies.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

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A Lead

paragon \PAIR-uh-gahn\ • noun : a model of excellence or perfection

I just learned through Sandra, that HK considers me the leading candidate in the interview I had several days ago.  I sure hope this works out, but I'm prepared in case it doesn't.  I know Beth wanted to contact my former employer whom she knows personally from her years as a Senior Advisor in the Clinton/Gore White House. This is the same employer who I prevailed over in civil litigation for terminating my employment for my refusal to convene an "all-staff" meeting to disclose my HIV status as well as details surrounding my health situation while comcominently performing my work duties in the same paragon fashion as always. My refusal was and is, protected by HIPPA and various other statutes and precedence.  My non-compliance, (while knowing the law as it relates to the issue),  was based on my personal values that 1. the request was unreasonable,  2.  I worked in a job classification in which there was no general, or reasonable risk to others regarding my health, 3.  the request was "none of their concern" and 4. the request was inherently wrong, demeaning, and without merit.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

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Sunday, June 5, 2005

Have You Ever Visited A Vampire Cave?

Pandemonium • \pan-duh-MOH-nee-um\• noun 1 : the capital of Hell in Milton's Paradise Lost  2 : the infernal regions : hell  *3 not capitalized : a wild proar : tumult 

If you're familiar with The Vampire Cave that sits way back in the field past the Love Shack; you'll bust over my "special recipe Vampire garlic!  If you ever visit the Vampire cave, inquire with the tour guide from the Love Shack about that "special garlic" and "A Light At The End of The Tunnel".  ***

***  Disclaimer:  Caution:  Making the aforementioned inquiry requires a signed release of liability and a formal understanding that the contents of the answer under no circumstances implies, infers, or represents any malfeasence, wrong-doing, or otherwise, but does represent jocosity between good humored equal minded friends, acquaintences, and sybaritically hedonistic extempore fuck-buddies.  Those who know of the vampire garlic, have had bellylaughs that are so intense and lenghty individuals report to medical professionals a somewhat euphoric pandemonium.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

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Saturday, June 4, 2005

Just Blanche!

incisive  \in-SYE-sive\• adjective : impressively direct and decisive (as in manner or presentation)

Today, I gave "Blanche" a ride to Dupont Circle.  I've recently met her and I need some of her spirit to rub off on me.  He's bound and determined that nothing is going to get him down.  He keeps a positive mindset, eyesight, etc even when his times are most trying. 

Today I'm Grateful for:  Giving Blanche that ride to Dupont Circle.  It gave me some insight as to what I'm doing, or not doing in my life recently.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Friday, June 3, 2005

Range Rover

cats-paw \KATS-PAW\ • noun 1 : light air that ruffles the surface of the water in irregular patches during a calm  *2 : one used by another as a tool : dupe  3 : a hitch knot formed with two eyes for attaching a line to a hook


Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Thursday, June 2, 2005

Heard From DAI

ne plus ultra \ \nay-plus-UL-truh\• noun *1 : the highest point capable of being attained : acme  2 : the most profound degree of a quality or state

I heard back from DA today.  They want me to provide them with a resume of my work history past 1993.  I'll do that and submit it later tonight.  I don't really understand what this will provide to them that I haven't already discussed.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.