Monday, January 23, 2006

Was I That Homeless Man's Angel Or Him, Mine?

Word of the day:  inimical\in-NIM-ih-kul\ adjective: 1 being adverse often by reason of hostility or malevolence.  2 a : having the disposition of an enemy : hostile *b : reflecting or indicating hostility : unfriendly.

There are angels among us. They wear so many faces and show up in the strangest places. They are here to show us how to live, teach us how to give, and guide us by the light of love.

I believe while some may have religious form, I believe most are from spirit and our ability to seperate our values compiled since the tabula rasa of our birth from the innocent.

Tonight, while I was having dinner at Boston Market at Courthouse I found what might/mgiht not be an angel.  I knew that the angel was either him or me.  He was a homeless man who I ignored as I walked in the door as he begged me for money.  I don't have a lot of money, but it don't take a lot to make a big difference.  When I was eating my dinner, I couldnt stop thinking about this man not having at least what I had.  A local building engineer came in and he was going to buy the guy dinner.  I overheard him and contributed 1/2 of what he spent for the guy.  I hope the homeless man enjoyed his dinner.  I hope it made him happy.  I believe he didn't know that I contributed to his dinner.  He don't need to know that.  He just needs to know that for that moment in time, I was his angel.  Maybe he was mine.  Time will tell.

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