Thursday, January 19, 2006

In Loving Memory. April 29, 1990 - January 19, 2006

Word of the day:  evitable\EV-uh-tuh-bul\ adjective: capable of being avoided.

Thank you:

Dr. Glover:  For being so helpful, kind, and compassionate.  Thank you for doing all you could possibly do for my baby girl.

Dr. Kirby:  For being so kind, thoughtful, and compassionate.  So understanding and guiding.  For advising honestly.  For helping Jeff and I make a difficult decison, but a right one.  One of love and compassion.  You did such a beautiful job of helping me to put her away in dignity, respect, love and honor.  I shed tears when I think of what a beautiful job you did for the love of my life.

Risa Guber:  For being the angel sent to me that has helped to make this whole ordeal so much easier than it was with Toonie.  You are truly my angel.  I'm gifted, I'm honored, I'm grateful, and my words cannot describe my appreciation.  It is deeper than my soul.

Jeff Dixon:  For being a strong and loving brother.  For being a man beyond all means.  For all you have done in sharing your life with Holly and me.  For making our lives better.

Denise Sadler:  For giving Jeff and me strenght and understanding to support each other through this heartbreaking event.

Stephen Santo:  For being a new friend and sensitive and understanding. For calling and caring for me and offering his loving support. 

Sandy Smith:  For the unwaivering strenght I get from just your voice alone.  Our friendship is something that has unmatched qualities and the power of your freindship is immense.

Dexter Thomas:  For being my friend and "Sordid Lives" sister, LaTrelle.  It eases me to know you understand what I'm faced with in all of this.

GOD BLESS each and every one of you.  You are friends I'm proud to have.  I'm proud to be your friend.  You are simply the best. 

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