Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I Received The Dreaded Call

Word of the day:  arbiter\AHR-buh-ter\ noun:1 : a person with power to decide a dispute : judge.  *2 : a person or agency whose judgment or opinion is considered authoritative.

This morning around 7:00am, I received a phone call from Jeff apprising me that Holly was sick.  He said she had been vomiting during the night.  I asked him to go to the store and get some crackers for her to try to soothe her stomach.  He called back in about 15 minutes and I then told him to take her to the vet.  He did.

The vet, Dr. Glover at Jones Animal Hospital in Bristol gave me the haunting news.  The news I knew was coming and for as much as I had prepared myself for it, I wasn't ready to hear it.  Holly is terminally ill.  This is such a surprise.  She was so spry just a few days ago.  Just a few days ago she was having HonoHoochiePoochie pancakes for breakfast with me, having Chritmas dinner with Jeff and I, and ordering me around.  How quick things can turn. 

My new boss, Risa -- I'm so grateful for that woman.  I just know she has to be an Angel sent to me.  She is so kind to me.  I told her the news I received from the vet, she told me to get in my car and go take care of it.  She offered me one of her dogs along with a year's worth of medical care; just in case it were to need it.  This touched me deeply.  I was profoundly moved by her understanding, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity.

I left my office at Noon and I arrived at the vet in Bristol at about 5:30pm.  I visited with Holly for about 1 hour.  The vet was so kind as to remain there after closing to allow me to visit with my best friend, my love, my life.  She told me the same words that Dr. Kirby had about 14 months previously regarding Toonie; "you have to think about putting her down".  Those are painful words to me.  Painful as I had to do this for my mom (remove her life support at her request).  My mom was my mom, sure; but first and foremost, she was my best friend.

This is painful.  I'm in great emotional pain.  I love my Holly, but I know its wrong to think of me and act based on selfishness.  That is simply wrong.  So hopefully tonight I will be able to talk with my mom and learn what to do.

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