Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Learning About Yourself

Word of the day:  orthography\or-THAH-gruh-fee\ noun:  1 *a : the art of writing words with the proper letters according to standard usage b : the representation of the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols.  2 : a part of language study that deals with letters and spelling.

Last night, I had a wonderful conversation with Sandy.  I learned more about her than before.  This is one of the many beautiful aspects of our friendship.  She also was telling me about a method used to learn more about yourself and helps in being able to love yourself.  Most importantly, it helps you to understand yourself by identifying on opposite sides of a piece of paper the things you like about yourself and the ones you don't.  Also do that for both your parents.

I'm going to do this exercise over the next few days when I get a chance and see if it might help me to make a few steps closer to my goal of forgiveness of my father.  I look forward to the exercise. 

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