Thursday, January 5, 2006

Lion of God

Word of the day:  emeritus\ih-MEH-ruh-tus\ adjective:  retired with an honorary title from an office or position.

Today, I learned something very very cool at my work.  My grandfather's name was Arie.  I've never met anyone else with that name until I went to work at my new job.  I never had the chance to know my paternal grandfather since he died before I was born.  So today, for the first time, I met Ariel (Ari) who has been on holiday and returned to work in my work group today.  I was telling him my grandfather's name was Arie and he inquired was it short for Ariel?  I don't think it was but, it is possible.   I told him about him being the first man I've ever met with that name.   He went on to tell me the Hebrew meaning behind that name.  Arie in Hebrew means "Lion".  Ariel, in Hebrew means "Lion of God".   This is a remarkable and has a strong metaphysical meaning in my life.  I don't know all of what that might mean right now as I write, but I will explore it and write of it as I learn more.  I'm quite excited about learning this today.

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