Sunday, January 1, 2006

How To Figure Out Your Porn Star Name!

Well, my porn star name is "Grover Dart".  The way you figure it out is by making your first name the same as your first pet.  The surname, or last name is the model (NOT MAKE) of your first car.

For example:
First Pet:  Anne
First Car:  Plymouth Breeze
Your Porn Star Name:  Anne Breeze

Perhaps, I should have introduced Grover Dart to Eric at Walmart.


Anonymous said...

If that is the case, then my porn name is "Angel LTD" ... LMAO


Anonymous said...

I doubt that there would be much demand for me as a porn star.  Blueboy Charger hardly qualifies as a name that would stir your loins.


Anonymous said...

Joe,  I think Blueboy Charger would fit you perfect....  You recall, "Blueboy" was, and may still be a popular men's magazine.