Monday, January 2, 2006

The Original "Starbucks" of Bristol. SHHHHH Don't Let Starbucks Hear This!

Don't EVEN think of letting Starbucks think there's a market in Bristol.  If they find out they'll be in there like a hen on a junebug.  First off setting up on every corner and then filing suit on this "little guy" operator.  I don't necessarily like Java J's coffee, or the line of products they offer.  However, the people are nice.  They have a nice place for people to congregate, and enjoy their food, computer, etc.  I'm very very happy to have them here.

Their website is:

A little history on the coffee house:
The Name:  Java - Its for the coffee.  The Js - Originally its for Julie, John, Jordana, Jaclyn, and Jill Marion.  It now includes Jordana's family; Matthew, Tobin, & Josiah Chambers.
The History:  Envisioned in 1997, and born in December 2000 in Bristol, VA.
The Mission:  To provide excellent food and drinks in a comfortable place in an environment that helps you to connect wiht those around you, to relax, to enjoy, or to be "just by yourself".    To support the community by integrating ideas and enthusiasm. 

I believe they should make that last statement to include "bringing the community together". 

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