Friday, January 20, 2006

Day 1 Without A Queen

Word of the day:  stymie\ STYE-mee\ Audio iconverb: to present an obstacle to : stand in the way of.

Its around 8:30pm and this house is getting bigger and bigger, and emptier and emptier as time passes without H.R.M. Queen Halena Slopoflopolopolous.  When I went out earlier, I was backing down the driveway and the vision of her weekend before last standing in my bedroom window barking for me to return is so vivid, its like its embedded in my mind.  I lay across my bed and I find myself looking over at the door where she'd love to lay on the cool stone entry.  I walk into my living room/dining room/kitchen and I look for her dishes.  I walk down the hall and look for her either following me or making a circle inside and out of every room looking for me.

I'm really sad and lonesome with her gone  She was a love of my life and I'm in great pain from her absence.  I know that it'll just be a matter of time until her spirit will fill my heart and soul with happiness.

She's with her granny (my mother) and Toonie, and I know she couldn't be happier.  She and Toonie are right there running alongside mother as she walks those golden fields I've come to know so well even without ever being there.  But mother tells me all about it.  Mother is so beautiful with her smile and the way she holds Toonie and loves him.  I'm sure she came running with open arms and grabbed Holly up in her arms and loved her like she's never been loved before.


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