Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Settling In


clarion\ KLAIR-ee-un\ Audio iconadjective : brilliantly clear; also : loud and clear

I think I'm beginning to settle into this job here at TAI.  Everyone seems quite nice and I like the work and my boss, John.  He's a horse of a different color and so am I.  I believe my careful and close analysis of the pending job offer, helps me to make a clarion choice to decline it.

Today I'm Grateful for:  This job with TAI and John, Suzanne, Ken, and all my other colleagues.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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