Friday, September 30, 2005

3 Day Weekends are ____ Thanks John P.

WORD OF THE DAY: postulate\ PAHSS-chuh-layt \ verb 1 : demand, claim *2 a : to assume or claim as true, existent, or necessary : depend upon or start from the hypothesis of b : to assume as an established truth (as in logic or mathematics)

Here I sit in Dupont Circle on a Friday at 8:00am watching all the people scurrying to their offices to toil and be tired at 5:00pm.  I'm off today, like I am every Friday. THANK YOU JOHN L. PETERSEN for providing such a luxurious benefit to your employees.  It is such an insightful idea and makes so much sense.  Most employers would postulate the concept of such a priceless benefit is ludicrous.. 

Today, is one gorgeous day.  Sun is bright, air is brisk, and while my fingertips are chilled here typing, OMG, it feels wonderful to know I don't have to go to my employer and ask for time off during my work week to acccomplish personal business that I need to do during business hours. 

I stopped at Starbucks for a Venti DeCaf-double cup and sleeve.  Then headed out across the street to the Circle (fountain of beautiful sea faring/oriented men is off for the season so there's no sound of water falling) to search the internet for apartments, flats, rooms, etc here in DC.  I have a 10:30 haircut appointment with Linda.  Its long overdue.  I think I look like a bum with this long un-coiffed hair.

I like this new FREE WIFI here in Dupont Circle. I had read about it in the Post, but never tried it until today.  PRETTY NICE!

Today I'm Grateful for:  Sitting here in Dupont Circle on this beautiful Fall Friday morning hedonistically and voluptoriously indulging in this luxury.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life toyou like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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