Sunday, September 18, 2005

Crystal Balls

thaumaturgy\THAW-muh-ter-jee\ Audio iconnoun : the performance of miracles; specifically : magic

I left the temp-perm assignment at Amgen Pharmaceuticals and its "posh" work environment.  There were two determining factors in my doing so.  The first and to me, most important is; when I was asked to formally apply for the position, I did.  During that process, I learned the "Grade 4" (highest level in that job function) position which I accepted as a temporary employee, had been downgraded to a Grade 3 and then the following day to a Grade 2.  This was rather concerning to me since at the time I entered into the position it was made clear to me the position was a Grade 4, with my predecessor being a Grade 4 employee.  I was further informed of the importance that I perform as a Grade 4 employee; which I did so successfully.  To put this in a concrete perspective the position's pay is as follows:  Grade 4 - $80,000 - $100,000/yr,  Grade 3 - $60,000 - $80,000/yr, and Grade 2 $40,000 -$60,000/yr.  The downgrading required the same level of work performance, but with each grade reduction the education and years of experience were reduced.  While I believe thiswas NOT directed at me personally, I did cause me to not have access to bonafide earning potential.  Most importantly, I found it to be a symbol of comprimised integrity of Amgen.  Basically a classic "bait and switch" scheme.  The 2nd reason for my leaving Amgen, is that I was offered a job with a nice salary with this National Strategy group (a crew of Ontologists) fulfilling DOD contracts.  I completed my first week with them on Thursday (yes a 4 day workweek of 10 hours each day).  I think it'll be fine, but I must admit its kinda weird working in that field.  Its like national security seen through a crystal ball.  Each of the first 4 days made me feel as though I was on my way to becoming a thaumaturgologist.  I'm very adaptive and I'll adapt soon.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Being here in Bristol with H.R.M. Queen Halena Slopoflopolopolous.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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