Thursday, September 29, 2005

Fall Is In The Air

WORD OF THE DAY:  frugal\ FROO-gul\ adjective : characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources.

WOW!  Today is payday!  My first full paycheck since I started with TAI in mid-September.  I wish there was some left over, but there won’t be since I have to pay both mortgages, insurance, etc.  When I need to be, I can be one frugal man.  Actually its something that I find satisfying and rewarding.  I’m always very frugal when it comes to making large purchases.  I do my homework and set out to get the best for the least price.  Hopefully this weekend I’ll have a new residence, thanks to the support of my UNQUESTIONABLY, BEST FRIEND IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, the Queensland Tango Babe from Down Under and my physical and emotional efforts.  The emotional ones I suppose were the most important of my doings.  I just kept thinking positive thoughts and its true the power of positive thinking RULES!

I see that lying, cheating, mean, mistreating, multi-timing, double dealing, unloving FART, Snowpea has moved ON!  She’s now supposedly in California pursuing the Great California Gold Rush, or as it would be in her case.  (She’s working on draining millions from another kind, innocent, unselfish, sharing, caring, loving, generous, and sincere hearted man; like she did to me).  I don’t know the man she’s chasing, but I would assume my characterization of him is somewhat correct since Snowpea wouldn’t chase after something she’s not going to be successful with.  She’s a clever old rickshaw peddling scallywag.  She’s quite precise with her plotting, ploys, and schemes.  I pity the guy when he gets the shaft like me.

What was it that I saw in her child-bearing ass anyway?  Maybe it was because the sex was good,  but then she turned that into malicious, mean-spirited, and selfish acts with total disregard to me, my safety, welfare, or life.  To answer the question, I seen nothing but BAD from the get go, but being the fair, and unselfish man I am, gave the benefit of my doubts.  My doubts were right all along and I know to give my gut more credence now; and $300,000.00 later.

After I get an apartment, and repay a debt which is paramount above all else except shelter, food, and medicine; I’ll begin to look at buying another car.  I miss my Mercedes E-320 so bad. I loved that car.  It was such a quality car and it would have lasted me for years to come.  I took such great care of it too.  I didn’t owe a single penny for it and for that I was proud of myself.  Now, I’ll have to go out and buy one to replace it, where I had to sell it to survive, and will have to do so on credit.  I dread that, but I have to have a car and that’s the only way I can get one unless I can somehow manage to do without one until I can get money saved for about 8-12 months.

Today I'm Grateful for:  This full paycheck.  Its somewhat like taking a big deep breath.  Thank you John, Suzanne, and TAI.  Thank me, Martin for keeping my faith in myself and my existence.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularly to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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