Thursday, June 15, 2006

Word of the day:  elucubrate\elu·cu·brate\ transitive verb: 1. : to work out or express by studious effort. 2.  Work diligently.

"To be free is to have achieved your life.Tennessee Williams, Playwright

I seen an interesting tag plate this morning on a car.  It was a slant on the automobile brand Volkswagen.  I passed a Toyota Prius hybrid and its tag plate read "VoltsWagn". Pretty clever and creative, I think.


That Karrie, really has the balls about her.  She comes to me today to request our Executive Chef to make food for a meeting which she would like or "can eat".  Does she really think I'm going to do that?  Hell NO if I were a vindictive man!  I should ask the Chef for things she can't eat and make her fucking gut growl during the meetings.  I won't do that either, but I will do as I usually do.



Bristol Job Notes:
1.  I'm still having to get the correct language down for my resume and the Tri-Citites, TN/VA markets.  I can't glorify my professional background like it needs to be done here in Washington.  In Washington, I'm competing with the best of the best.  In Bristol, thats not really the case. So I have to give them, in their terms, just enough to entice them to call me in for an interview..
2.  I reveiwed and  and I'm amazed at the jobs in the medical field in the Tri-Citites.  Hundreds.
3.  I suppose, I'm going to have to go for more of the "management" type job for the interim until I get all the business set up.

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