Monday, June 5, 2006


Word of the day:  numismatic\noo-miz-MAT-ik\ adjective:  *1 : of or relating to the study or collection of coins, tokens, and money.  2 : of or relating to currency : monetary.

"Treat your friends as though you do your pictures, and place them in their best light."  Jennie J. Churchill, Mother of Winston Churchill

Monday, June 5... For me personally, today is one of those often talked about Monday's where no matter how well planned, thought-out, organized, and coordinated the day is, it still goes to hell in a handbasket.  This is definately the MONDAY FROM HELL!

First, my professional calendar got completely messed up.  My boss' calendar was a nightmare.  Everything that was firm, come undone. Everything undone, come together only to fall apart.  On top of that comes the breakfast and lunch for these "Mahogany Row " executives during their meetings and all that was a mess.   I had coordinated that all the food for breakfast was taken care of and luch was taken care of by Stephanie.  At 11:45am, I learn Stephanie had NOT taken care of the lunch.  That leaves me with having to scram to have my executive tier chef, whip up an executive lunch in all of 15 minutes.  THANK GOD he was able to do so. 

Then, now I go to the bank to cash a check and they charged me $10 to cash a check drawn on their bank.  That pissed me off.  Then let me go to deposit that money into my new bank account.  I get there to the teller and learn my brand new bank account is frozen.  Because I used the starter checks to pay my  May rent and mortgages before I got my debit card and activated the account.  (There was money there to cover the checks)  Now it will be frozen for 10 business days and I have my June rent to pay and all my money is in my bank account.  I feel so fucked again by a bank.  I say everyone should take their money OUT of every bank in this country and put it in your mattress.  I have been doing that overthe past few years.  Its safer there than in a bank.  Through arbitrary fees, banks in this country have a an unfettered license to STEAL from customers who can least afford to have their money taken.  Myself, being one of those customers.

I wonder what next will occur today.  I'm overwhelmed.  I had to go outside of my office today and walk around because of anxiety.  Over the weekend, that SWEET country boy, helped me out with a panic attack at home.  I find myself quite happy when he's around.  He's bright, cheerful, and has a spirit that is quite uplifting.   I've learned something metaphysically about him.  . 


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